Camera 5 is out of use …
Ohhh, tomando champagne del pico de la botella…ups
Si, yo también lo observé…
she is informed and will take care of it
This young woman is truly magnificent …
Ahora la cámara volvió…y quizá en un rato se vaya…y después vuelva…una magnífica estrategia para mantener cautivo al público gratuito jajajajajaj
Don’t people realize she has a life also and to make remarks and unfounded remarks should be penalized for implying certain thingys,
Thanks for keeping us updated
You don’t get to decide what comments can be made. Just because you don’t agree stop criticizing others. Have a seat and be quiet
I usually do unless I see a bunch of dumbass remarks made by dumbass like you>
BTW, I’ve been on here for a long time!
Have a seat and be quiet yourself!
I wonder why Ariela invited him.
She’s only trying to avoid him.
to give you hope so you will keep watching
At the moment, my main function is to regularly remind her that the 48-hour limit will soon be reached again…
… but because she doesn’t just sit on a park bench somewhere and wait for my messages, that doesn’t mean that she’ll make it home on time, as we saw again yesterday.
her life is currently spread over such a large region that it often doesn’t make sense to go home just to sleep for a few hours. However, like most people here, I hope that this will change at some point. But there is no guarantee of this, and certainly no timetable.
her life as a whole is currently a bit out of balance. she can’t and doesn’t want to live on VH alone, especially if her life would have to consist of working the men in piecework, like in other apartments. so anyone who expects that here will always be disappointed.
(I already mentioned earlier that she also makes a living from part-time jobs)
privately, things aren’t much better either. you’ll probably never see one of her friends (and when I say friends, I mean friends, and not necessarily sex partners), he’s camera shy, and Andrey isn’t in town for about two more weeks. and sometimes the reason for other friends visiting is simply the desire not to be alone, it’s as simple as that…
@crossmyway your theory is just as good as mine… because I don’t know exactly either. and because it’s not really my business, I’m not going to ask her about it.
and as far as the contact with Carlson and Sylva goes: I hope that a friendship develops from this, in both directions… but, I hope, more in Ariela’s favor (especially because she struggles more than Carlson, whose life is much easier, including financially). However, anyone hoping that she will automatically become a participant in parties/orgies like the one at Carlson’s last weekend will be disappointed here too. However, I have heard what a return visit by the two of them to Ariela could be about… and I’m curious about that, because it could go in a direction that we haven’t seen her take before… and that also seems to be new territory for her. Let’s just wait and see. But the motto here again is: a lot is possible, nothing is necessary.
Moreover, the distance between the two apartments is not the shortest. By car, more than an hour, ideally. By public transport it’s at least twice as much. So it’s not exactly easy to just spontaneously visit someone for a cup of tea.
OK, enough gossip for the day…
There were a lot of hints, few tangible details. I’m just trying to convey an understanding of her life… which she is still willing to share with us despite everything. And we should be grateful for that to some extent.
Yes, I should discuss the topic with her soon… I’m not really happy about this situation either. But since I’ve never had pets, their needs are completely unknown to me. and if I have no idea about something, I’m lacking really solid arguments in a discussion.