I don’t know. Some time has passed since she wrote that she was coming home. Since I don’t know exactly where she was when she wrote to me (I only know that she was at work), I have no idea how long the journey is… but she should have been home soon.
When he gets home, the cameras will be turned on.
no, this guy
I have to admit that I have lost track of who is who
should be Ilya…?
They all look same kind of
I sometimes feel like I’m playing a cluedo game with her… I know the places where they meet and I have to find out which face and name belong to it
the only one I have no doubt about is andrey … with him all the information fits together
Karl’s face is clear, but not the place where they met.
I know the place with Ilya (I think) but it looks similar to someone else so I always confuse the two.
and for the one I confuse with Ilya, the last place is the only one left…
and no, I won’t name the places here now. this is my very private puzzle
Guest name is Ilja
How do you see that. You mean the picture?
Last Guest on the list must be him on the way to Realm or the Erotic masseur.
No, probablemente nadie esté las 24hs mirando, pero quien tenga acceso de la línea de tiempo, puede ver si esto ocurrió.
De todos modos, no es algo aislado lo que sucedió. Ella ha dejado solo a los animalitos por más de 48hs varias veces; al menos a mí no me sorprende - lamentablemente.
I tend to “scan” through the timeline before I’ve commented on this!
Si, si, yo le respondía a cross
Alguno tiene problemas con la cámara 5? La del living?
Yep, its seems to be happening a lot on all the realms.
Si, y estoy viendo que muchos con “ISP issues”
Too bad Kitty came home on July morning when Ariela was lying on the bed with Carlson.
It was getting hot.
Hopefully a sequel with Sylva next time.
I hope the guest is more enterprising than when Ariela last visited and watched him jerk off.