Ariela (Part 2)

Did I miss anything? 80 new posts. I won’t read all that :joy::joy:


It is sometimes better to ask @Shyguy . If you understood everything, some dreams might be shattered because you realize more quickly which couples are just working relationships.

I know that certain people get, let’s say, “special information”, but few will admit whether they pay for it or not?

But if so, whats wrong with that? If some one has gotten close to a participant, isn’t that something you can be happy about?
If some one are a fan boy, well how on earth does that affect any other of us dorks hanging around here?
Im quite resent here, just found this gem. Got totally hooked, not for the “porn-part” (if I like porn there are way more effectiv ways than this site) just a facinating girl surrounded by a lot of men. I got totally styck and did spend way too much time going through everything from day one.
As I understand the pay for participating ins’t that great, Even measured by eastern European standards.(Its quite clear we’re in a place a lot of people speak Russian) I can’t really see what she should benefikt from putting on a show 24/7.
She is a charming girl, an easy to love creature that a lot of boys wants to hang out with. She lets them, usually she stops at kissing and fondeling, but I can’t see a problem with that.
When this girl finds a man she loves, she is a very affectionate partner, that has been proven many times in the history of this realm. Ofc she was a swinger girl earlier, but then she hade the love from her man as a good foundation, now that doesnt seem to be the case anymore, I guess thats why there is less sex in her life. If her strategy were to create blue balls and frustrated guys to get more views well, go back a year or so and see what her swinging times resulted in. If she were to prioritize money she would fuck all day long, but thats not the girl she is. She works for her paycheck outside the realm. With what is for each one to figure out themselves


Coward or slacker?

No, at first you don’t have to read … 99.9% small talk

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Todos entendem a linguagem das lágrimas, da solidão, da fome, da dor e etc. O idioma é o que menos importa. Ou nem você estaria aqui interagindo com todos.

Es más o menos lo mismo que se habla siempre: chicos que entran y salen de la vida de Ariela, los cuales pasan la noche con ella y con los que comparte besos y caricias.
A eso sumarle que están los que dicen que si no te gusta el realm te vayas, otros que sospechan que hay algunos pagos por subir posteos, otros que creen que se la agrede a Ariela, otros que piensan que es encantadora y genial…
En el medio, diferencias idiomáticas y de opiniones.
Es es el resumen :rofl:


if only you really had no words :man_shrugging:

You don’t convince me and I reaffirm myself, if you don’t understand the language you don’t know why they cry, laugh, enter or leave, only our imagination :hugs:

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oh I saw the setup in some for sure

Didnt Read Adult Swim GIF by shremps

More of the same, already remembered tragico Greek comedies style Agamemnon Trilogy, or I don’t know, I don’t remember Antigone well: Here in the Peninsula there is a saying that says; Speak good or bad about me, whatever matters, I will be remembered. And the wonderful Ariela moves on :tired_face:

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Tecla muito bem em Português e salvo melhor opinião é um idioma que é falado em 4 continentes, e creio estar nos 10 idiomas principais. :clap: :clap: :clap:

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Estou do outro lado do “Atlântico Sul”, mais precisamente no Brasil, na cidade do Carnaval, do Samba, de Praias lindíssimas. Rio de Janeiro.


why do I have a voice in my head whispering “7:1” right now? :thinking:
sorry :crazy_face:

The South American faction here is getting stronger. Now we have Brazil and Argentina here …


Valeu!!! eu infelizmente não conheço o Rio :smiling_face_with_tear:, mas estive cantando o Guarany há uns 25 anos em Manaus, e estive com fequencia em S,Paulo, Santos e no Guarujá, Sou espanhol, mas trabaho e vivo em Lisboa, com os meus gemeos, saudações hispano-lusas :hugs:



You know what’s annoying?

You see a bunch of new posts, you’re happy to get into the topic, sure something hot has happened.



Você visitou lugares maravilhosos e com certeza será sempre bem vindo. O Brasil é bastante acolhedor.


I guess the feeling is mutual when you’ve done the same, all of a sudden you’re different?

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Aquela seleção da Alemanha era “espetacular”. Ficaram concentrados em Manaus, no Amazonas, Um dos lugares mais lindos do mundo. Mesmo depois da copa, a delegação da Alemanha ajudou muito o povo Amazonense e somos muito gratos por isso.