Ariela (Part 2)

Speaks the man who constantly derided their relationship but also repeatedly said he would stop doing it. Let’s see how many members agree shall we?


I don’t care WHAT you think. You are entitled to your opinion and so am I. But you and Hudson are just as grumpy as each other having crazy ideas about what Ariela can and can’t do. Well, I have news for you both…


I don’t want to continue fueling a discussion where on the other side I have a person like many others here who as soon as someone says something they don’t agree with is not capable of having a civil discussion and only displays negative thoughts… I’ll end it here, it’s not worth continuing, just stay with your thoughts, I don’t care


you mistake me for another person and I don’t know what you want from me…I have no words…

I want NOTHING from you. I made a point of saying that the 2 of you were so hyped on pointing out issues with Ariela. You have both been acting like you were her parents. Ironically you both use the same avatar. And I have hardly been online for weeks and I picked that up. Never mind me. Run along.

Hey - I’ve trademarked Run along on here! Run me my coins.
Come Give Me GIF by Hoshi Joell



Here you go.


Sim, sempre pode. Mas, coisas que machucam e causam danos às pessoas, é bom que fiquem quietas.

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I will never understand these fights over a person you don’t know and about whom you know absolutely nothing. Smile and enjoy real life guys :star_struck:


I’ve learned very recently by paying more attention that some of these people be contacting participants directly and then posting some of their bizness here or, they will act like fanboys because, to them, they have a new found friendship.

The aim of each of the apartments is that as many people as possible look at it, isn’t it?

The participants (or managers) take different approaches here.

Some of them have different guests who come and there may not (always) be sexual acts.

In other apartments, guests are invited/booked who then have sex with as many other people as possible.

There were apartments where the participant had sex with almost every “guest”.

Each viewer may also have different interests in terms of what they want to see or …

So let’s let everyone have their own interests, shall we?


I think there are various participants who pass on information here (even for a fee), be it pictures, stories or similar to users here.

I don’t think anyone can say which money flows as a gift, credit, attention or whatever you want to call it …

When it comes to trouble, you always get a one-sided truth …

É muito interessante observar os participantes em seus apartamentos. È como um laboratório de vidas humanas, não é só sexo, e sim uma grande experiência onde cada participante tem, seu fetiche, seu limite, sua necessidade e até suas dores, pessoas com uma vida difícil e algumas com poucas oportunidades, isso homens e mulheres. No dia a dia, acabamos por viver um pouco da vida de cada um deles. Não são objetos sexuais, mas, seres humanos com seus problemas e que devemos apreciar e respeitar.


I’m afraid some people have forgotten that and you can sometimes tell by the questions or requests …


I call that hustling.

Not a fee?

At first, 99.9% of us do not understand their language, from then on the only thing that works is our imagination.


This “rip-off” happens more or less in every apartment. Do you think Harmony had sex with all the men there just for “fun”?

Or Flora gave out blowjobs for fun and her guest girls just happened to have sex with the roommate one after the other.

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