Andreza (Not on apartment list - Vacation until end of February)


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Probably a new face. Front and back. :laughing:

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Why would she be trouble? She’s been here for a long time already and she seems to really love Andreza.

She just shouldn’t fuck with the camera’s.

the blonde girl likes andreza’s pussy…she doesn’t want to be seen naked but she shouldn’t obscure the cameras either since in this case it’s andreza who loses out…


you said well she likes andreza pero she jokes with the cameras and that is not good…

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True, but to tell a participant “she’s trouble” is abit to much, trouble we seen here at VH means stealing money like at harmony realm or drug use, not covering up camera 1 time after she live here for a couple of months…

I also like blondy alot more then the guy who stays here

here we’re not talking about stealing money or doing drugs…we’re talking that if a guest person comes into a participant’s house and wants to take a shower…for vhtv rules you can’t cover the cameras…also because if you do that the participant who let you in the house gets a fine…

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I didn’t report it, I just showed it here so someone would warn Andreza not to be surprised. I’ve never been a snitch. I hope this doesn’t hurt her, but it shows what a blonde she is.

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as far as I’m concerned I’m not blaming you for anything… :+1:.

@Buford115273 e true that it loses andreza however these things against the rules should always be said…

Just so someone doesn’t find someone to report it. She’s kind of innocent she wasn’t there. I saw Anonymous One asked if anyone reported it. I hope not.

Why not?
Is it because she is blond and female and I just wonder if you would have the same opinon if it was the guy before her who covered it.
Many others have been reported for less and there are options such as contacting VHTV beforehand and getting special permission to cover them, for family or other reasons.
I reported her and I have no quarms about it whatsoever.

Then you’re just a snitch. I don’t want to hurt Andreza over some dumb blonde.

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Nope, just equaity for all and I haven’t got any fantasized loyalties with any of the participants here.

So I just hope you also reported that Tatiana’s apartment was deliberately disconnected and no ISP issues.

Didn’t see it and grabbing at staws much :laughing: :laughing:

The new girl finally got what she wanted.


Good morning to you! :yum: :heart_eyes:


Is Christmas being celebrated today or are all the gifts just decorations? :face_with_monocle: :christmas_tree: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Living room!