Andreza (Not on apartment list - Vacation until end of February)

Yes in this country Christmas is celebrated today

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Isn’t this blonde lady covering the shower cabin a punishment? So scraping Andrea’s tongue in her pussy doesn’t shame her, but showing off her “great” body shames her

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Redhead sequel


The blond pulled the camera and it is offline and all the other cameras are working and it only went off after she went into the bathroom and reached for the camera.
Sorry, but it’s going to be reported as it is happening all too often.


Andreza got really pissed with her and said: “Why do I fucking need a message saying that you have turned off the camara. This is not just today that I have had problems with you and do you want me thrown out of the project? I don’t understand why you are some kind of fucking saint, I don’t understand at all.”


Well she obviously didn’t listen because she (Blonde) has also moved camera’s

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I don’t

understand why she did it again.

You are absolutely right that it should be reported, she feels that the rules do not apply to her

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She’s a selfish bitch. She’s even found a way to shower by covering the shower with a blanket. I don’t mind that solution because she’s not a pretty sight. Andreza, for her own sake, should kick her out. Because she shut down the cameras for, like, 40 minutes.


She is banned and the place is on relocation…

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I hope it’s really just moving. Hopefully they’ll get rid of that selfish bitch.

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It’s annoying and also kinda funny, whenever she spots ANY camera she HAS to turn it off. :rofl:
It’s like when Libra has guests in her realm you always expect the camera to go off. At that point maybe this thing isnt for you.

Andreza is a good watch thought, so hopefully she doesnt get the harsh end.

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Hmmm, the wind changed much? According to you the other day I was a ‘snitch’ for reporting this. :thinking: :roll_eyes:

Why are you bringing this in here. All she had to do was get rid of the blonde after the first incident. Unfortunately, I don’t think she expected the blonde to continue to do any more damage.
Yeah, I didn’t report anything this time either.


She’s banned
Look Up Adam Sandler GIF by Saturday Night Live


Let’s open a daily sweepstake and guess which apartment Andreza will turn up to tonight.
I will start with Pinky next on the list as she has already been seen in Jason’s and Mollie & Mark’s place. :laughing:
Any other guesses?