
nach ihrer Zeiichnung ist es der Bereich unterhalb vob cam 19

Wenn der ganze Bereich abgedeckt wird wäre das Super

Well the whole house plan is totally out of proportions. Probably because of limitations of the software they use. Same with basically all apartment plans on the site.

ist ok,der support wird auch gefragt wie es mit den Verhältnismäßigkeiten ist,Meine Software ist auf dem neuesten Stand

Not your software. The one they use for drawing the house plan…

Was ist da unverhältnismäßig,es wird nur die der Wohnungsplan mit den 2 Blkons gezeigt,kein Aussenbereich.Diese Räume sind alle au einer Ebene

Seems there is a curtain problem…

Compared to before the bed was in the corner, it looks the same.
Somehow from this perspective it doesn’t look like the curtain at all, but rather like part of the window frame, but of course I could be wrong.

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It is definitely a curtain as it is moving. I think moving the bed a bit to the right will fix the problem :wink:

Ok, if it’s the curtain, it would be easier to open the curtain a little further. Maybe half a meter is enough.

I vote for moving the bed 30 cm to the right as the curtain will always “come back” :joy::see_no_evil:

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ok, you win… :sweat_smile:

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she is worth a sin, very pretty. :+1: :fire:


I wish with many many pictures the poster, would add some text to describe it or whatever is happening.
Just names would help a lot for those of us not regular viewers there.


Check the wiki if you don’t know who is who… :wink: