I’m just saying if they’re going to _____ or whatever, their response times aren’t good and they go crashing about, it isn’t the best place for a tiny Meerkat to be, in the middle of all that. he wants to socialise and snuggle, but if they move suddenly or roll over, or bring a foot down heavily, it’s curtains for Timon. I just think if they’re getting frisky he should be elsewhere. Otherwise I have no objection to him being there. He does, as you say, look quite happy and there’s plenty of activity to keep him interested. It’s only the physical melee I’m concerned about. Sexy time shouldn’t be Timon time.
Meerkats are known for being tough fellas. I would be more worried about meerkat harming owners just because… it’s a wild a____l. My guess if this cute furry sausage gets beaten (by accident), it will do some much more serious harm in return.
Did we have meerkats at VHTV before? This is so cool!
Yes we did and yes it is!
That’s a fair point, they do eat Millipedes and burrow in deep dark places. maybe we should worry for the lads, and that the girls may soon become marsupials.
Also, yes, Maren and Karel had a Meerkat in the last apartment they had together. It was a chunky one.
Yes Maren had one. As I said before she saved it from being k__led by a zoo because she had too many. He was a very nice and quiet fellow. Timon here is a bit more lively But the girls keep him entertained it seems. They found a new star of the apartment
As long as no one forgets that meerkats are predators, everything should be ok. The little guys have extremely sharp teeth, and compared to dogs or cats who like to bite playfully, this could be a little more painful…
and the claws should not be underestimated either. I know a few details from our zoo here, especially that they are true masters of digging underground… let’s see how long it takes until the couch has the first entrance
Maybe they need to buy him a box of sand where he can play. There is still that empty room without the cameras. Fill it with sand and Timon has so much fun playing And all the others also a lot more fun finding him
A new version of the popular game of ‘hide and seek’…‘hunt the meerkat’!!!
What’s the other 2 furry creatures in the cage in the hall?
look like chipmunks maybe?
to late already used the timeline to find it , it was kinda whooops moment lol
She woulden’t even get her tits out last week