You must have seen

Who is Paul Winchell? Winchell is known to most as the voice of Tigger from The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. While he made appearances in shows such as Perry Mason, McMillan & Wife, and The Beverly Hillbillies, he is more known in the industry for his voicing of Tigger.

However, he also gets credit for something very significant. Winchell was an inventor who used his medical training to create the first artificial heart.

Gunpowder art…


:+1: :+1:

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Check this out. Really impressive. Especially when you are a Sci-Fi fan like me :upside_down_face:

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Wow. So far I’ve only seen it in flat form, but it’s even more impressive as a video

Link to the original size


17 minutes of your time, but worth every second!

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Wow never thought it would look so orderly from above. Every block nearly same size. Only the Sagrada Familia stands out.

Barcelona is a great city, with many open spaces, lots of benches where you can sit under the trees

The best city in Europe IMO

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I have been to many cities in Europe. Not really a fan of the really big ones. But I really liked Prague. My all time favorite might be Ljubljana though. Not very big but really really beautiful.

But Barcelona is for sure one of the beautiful ones.


Although i am from the East, i never been to Prague (to my shame, i know).

Personally, i love big cities, maybe because i came from one.

I have some very nice memories from Frankfurt (old town) :slightly_smiling_face: although it was surprisingly expensive.

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I would like to introduce you to someone… I hesitated for a long time because he produces his videos exclusively in German and it is not understandable for everyone. But then I came to the conclusion that the spoken language ultimately doesn’t matter because he generally throws around so many technical terms that even in his own language it is only understandable to the initiated :stuck_out_tongue:

his name: Marti Fischer
his profession: Music
His area of expertise: analysis of music, to put it casually
his specialty: multi-instrumentalist
Added to this is his style of presentation, which is best described as “you don’t necessarily have to be crazy to produce videos like this, but it doesn’t hurt if you are”

It has several sub-projects in its channel on YouTube, I would like to focus on 2 in particular:

5 styles
He takes a song that everyone knows and use it to create versions of what that song could have sounded like by an other artist or style.
Current title due to the occasion: Michael Jackson’s Thriller (this time only 4 styles in the first video, the 5th style will come as an extra episode next week, and then probably also as a complete version, not just as a short sample)

How does music actually work?
Artists are analyzed here, and in the process a song is created that often sounds like a lost song by this very artist. abba, depeche mode, beatles… to name just a few.

Because it fits the previous video, I’ll link the one about the style of Michael Jackson and Quincy Jones.

Conclusion: even if you don’t understand the language or, like me, can’t understand most of the technical terms: watching and listening to how the sounds are created is fascinating

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Seven in the air “rollings”, landing on the wheels and just gets going again. At least it looks pretty impressive. :slightly_smiling_face:

I only counted 3 in the air, if we’re counting complete flips, but still very impressive.

I have seen many cases of free cruelty to the poor. History is full of it. But I think this was the most bizarre:

We’ve got this rich dude in 1970s New York, right? Guy’s got more money than he knows what to do with. And what does he decide to do? He’s caught on camera taking a piss on a homeless man. Yeah, you heard that right.

Now, let’s pause and think about the guy on the receiving end for a second. Maybe he’s hungry, maybe he’s cold as hell, maybe he’s sick—hell, maybe all of the above. When was the last time this guy had something as basic as a hot shower? What series of unfortunate life events led him to this s__tty moment?

But Mr. Moneybags? He couldn’t give two craps. It’s not like he just walked past the guy, which would be bad enough. No, this dude, who’s got everything from a penthouse to a private jet, decides that’s not enough. He needs to go and literally piss on someone who’s already down on their luck. Why? Because he can.

This isn’t just being an asshole. This is some next-level, morally bankrupt crap right here. It’s like he’s saying, “I’m not just going to ignore you; I’m going to degrade you, just to make myself feel big.”

So, what’s the lesson here? Some people are so empty inside that even having “everything” isn’t enough to fill the void. They’ve got to tear others down to feel like they’re standing tall. And that, my friends, is a whole new level of fucked up.

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Halloween in Dubai

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That was great!! And deserves a longer video.
:+1: :+1:

:+1: :+1:

WTF did the Chinese build there…
You can say whatever you want about it, a lot of it is strange. but some things are also brilliant

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