Yan & Flora

Maybe on the outside but definitely not on the inside. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

A joke is only funny the first time you hear/read it, repeating the same joke for 100 time isn’t that humorous.

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I guess you have never heard of a running joke then. :crazy_face: Some people enjoy them others do not. What people find humorous is very diverse.

Joke? who said it was a joke? :thinking: :innocent:

Yeah, you are right. it’s not as it’s not funny at all.


Well, maybe it was a little bit funny if Flora was biting it, being intended as a little piss take of her. Fortunately (or unfortunately) she didn`t bite it. And yes, you are right, it is a little bit mean.

@anon10756158 why the :man_facepalming:? Do you think you are more beautiful on the inside and the outside than Juliana?? That seems a little bit conceited to me… :frowning_face:

Nope it’s your lucky day, she bit. :wink:

Плохо, что вы пытаетесь сравнить две совершенно разные девушки. Джулиана очень красивая и милая. Но я не могу сказать, что я страшная :smile: я тоже неплохая :upside_down_face: на вкус и цвет как говорится )


Translation to English isn’t quite right but I think what you are saying is something similar to “to each their own” or “different strokes for different folks

The original comment was about who was the most beautiful fyi.

You might not be able to say that but sometimes when you get angry I sure can. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Why do i think that you just did that?
Think Stephen Colbert GIF by The Late Show With Stephen Colbert

How often do you run and tell jokes? That would be funny too

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Huh your sentence in English doesn’t make much sense. Are you telling me a joke now?? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :upside_down_face:

Oh, wait now I get it. K__ler dad joke my guy! :grin:

I think you also go to work for money. That doesn’t give your boss the right to insult you and treat you like s__t.

Nope but in my job the paying customers can be snarky, tease me and crack jokes at my expense. It just comes with the job, and I am compensated financial. Much like the participants on VHTV.

What is your job ? are you a clown or something like that ? :joy:

Bartender so in some sense yes. :rofl:

It makes a difference if a customer makes a joke face to face or if you are being watched 24/7. You get insulted and you can’t defend yourself. Some here never miss an opportunity to constantly insult some residents. It’s probably not funny to her.


We can make a joke face that is what emojis are for. :crazy_face:

They can defend themselves. They can reply to us on the forum if they wish. It’s up to them if they do or don’t.

I also criticize when I don’t like something. E.g. the blonde who appears here every day without being asked. Even at 2:30 a.m. at night. Sits on the couch with her winter clothes on and keeps them on while the others are naked. All that’s missing is a fur hat and a thick winter jacket. She spoils my mood.