Yan & Flora

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Damn you’re right.She is super HOT!!!:hot_face: :fire: :sweat_drops:

@anon10756158 Flora, even if you said that actually every piece of fabric is too much for you: this white suits you!

The darker hair also looks really nice


It was hope in the shower

Hope was there?

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No they were joking that she should be invited. Don’t you guys think it’s lacks a bit of class to joke about someones husband’s ex, knowing full well that they will read it? It’s quite lame

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No it is actually very funny :joy:

I just think it’s crazy that these people let us see into their lives and some commenters choose to be so unkind

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Lol her tits are as great ass lylas ass

Yan must love knowing he dated two super attractive girls that guys like

And soon Juliana too :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :see_no_evil:

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Flora and hope are way better looking imo

But IMO Juliana is the nicest of all of them :heart:


They ain’t doing it for free bub. :money_mouth_face::moneybag:

**Yes they even get a little money for free user views Torey. :sweat_smile:

Two whose’s the second one?? :thinking: :rofl: :rofl:

:rofl::rofl::rofl::joy::rofl::rofl: flora

Yes they do get paid, but my point about people choosing to be dicks is still relevant

It’s a little bit relevant. What some people consider funny or humorous others consider being a dick. Some people on this forum tend to be a bit overly sensitive to things tbh. Just like some tend to be a bit insensitive.

Are you sure?? :sweat_smile: