Yan & Flora

Nah don’t be so hard on their relationship, my wife and I fought like cats and dogs early on…she actually went through a faze before we were married where she would find it necessary to punch me in the face when we had a disagreement. We have now been together 32 years, 26 of those married. When you are young (we were 18 and 19 in the beginning) and immature you do not know your emotions and how to control them. Just my opinion from experience.


Это в точку! Молодые всегда эмоциональные и мало думают о последствиях. Вы очень умно объяснили. Желаю прожить вам ещё столько же и даже больше лет и быть счастливым! :hugs:


Thank you! And Best wishes for you!

So well said, i do see me and my wife perfectly on that description. We been exactly the same at the beginnings (the make up sex was phenomenal :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:) although we been 22 and 23 at the time. And here we are 21 years later, completely different picture. I really wish both of you @anon10756158 to be happy. :hugs:

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Funny how now everybody forgets what Flora did to him:

  • Throwing things at him several times
  • Trashing the place completely
  • Kicking him
  • Biting him

He will be more happier without her. Just curious now who will be her next “target” now when he is gone?.. :thinking:

I truly hope you & Yan can work things out and get back together. :blue_heart:


Sure she did… but you claim that Flora is the only culprit in this story?
Yan has also done a lot of wrong… the biggest is breaking a promise he made to me personally the day he proposed to Flora


I hope maybe Yan get back to Hope. Maybe there is hope :joy: :joy:

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Did not see Yan being violent against her one single time.

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so violence is the only bad thing in a reltionship?

It is for sure a complete no-go.
But here violence is only bad when done by guys. Girls are free to go full berserk as they want… :man_facepalming:


Well @Ken is recently single. Maybe a new power couple is in the works?? :thinking: Just think of the scripts they could write!

Nicely said.

Everyone has their own story, mine is a bit different, we came together by agreement, each after a bunch of failed relationships, both of us dreaming of having a family, but running into partners for whom family was the last concern.

When we met, we agreed to everything in a minute, finally introduced ourselves to each other, moved in together the next day, and even registered for the wedding right away.

Never in 25 years were there any physical fights. Never. Not from her side, much less from mine, I would never raise my hand against a woman in my life.

For disagreements I demand that they be cleared up immediately, I don’t like stubbornness so I have taught her to come right out with the problem and we address it together. In the beginning she had that feminine stubbornness when she was silent for three days, when asked what was wrong you just got a sharp “nothing”. After three days she asked if she could talk about it and I briefly explained to her that if she didn’t want to talk about it for three days she didn’t need to talk about it now or ever again. And she stopped doing it.

A relationship between two people is full of compromises. And it takes both to accept them. That is why I will not take sides in this case either. But I wish them both the best of luck, together or on a new path.


of course it is not good… but action gets reaction… and lots of fights could have been prevented if there would have been better and open communication

Oh dear poor Ken. He doesn’t deserve that :joy::joy:

Still never a justification for violence


Yan and Barbie might work :heart:

As @JamesDeen23 said, you get accused of lying and not translating correct and must be wrong if it’s not what person on the forum wants to hear

A participant can come on here and confirm that the translation is 100% true and people on this forum will still say that they are lying

It could be like the TV show Wife Swap, Flora & Ken and Yan & Barbie. Only thing is only one couple may make it out of the project alive. :upside_down_face:

Good to see all the marriage counsellors in full swing today :laughing: