my time here pretty much started with their engagement. in the time leading up to the wedding i had more and more question marks over my head as to how this was supposed to work. there were some memorable stories. STILL this seems to work…
how long? time will tell, and hopefully the cameras too
True that. They have had blackouts, but they are becoming more frequent and more violent.
I would have packed my stuff long ago and disappeared. Yan stays. we just have to trust that he knows what he’s doing and can handle it…
we must not forget: we are spectators, nothing more. we can give advice when asked, but that’s usually where our influence ends. It’s not up to us to take other people’s decisions to be right or wrong, we’re not in their shoes, or are in this exact situation at this very moment… and if it were to become really dangerous, we wouldn’t be able to intervene either.
we should always be aware of that
That girl is completely nuts
Why did he have her phone anyway? A phone is a very personel thing, I would be pissed if someone took mine and walked off with it.
Fully agree. But biting people? You know that from very small c___dren or people locked up in asylums
Yeah well we ain’t all perfect if that was my phone he would have had a foot in the kneecap
He certainly wouldn’t have walked off with it.
Lol, why would I care if my wife has my phone? Or vice versa?
Your choice entirely.
je suis marié depuis 14 ans . c’est arrivé plusieurs fois à ma femme que je lui prête mon portable. pourquoi… le siens n’es pas chargé . on ce dispute pas pour ça. il y a aucune confiance dans se couple.
Bien sur toi mon pote
That doesn’t translate well on the forum so lets try it in english
Good on you pal
Yeah I didn’t understand a thing
Not surprised
google traduction il mélange torchons et serviettes.
Just goes to show microsoft translations are crap
Google translate seems to be far more accurate.
Seems the biting got removed from timeline…
Oh dear someone is very sensitive then obviously But any sex act is allowed