Yan never said she was more sk__lful only that she is more experienced. Experience does not necessarily translate to sk__l. Often it does but not always.
Думайте как хотите, я ответил правду !
In this case, I would say it does. You’re just trying to cause problems for Yan & Flora. You’ve tried the same thing before by suggesting to Flora that she invite Hope over, s__t stirring as usual!
Lucky for me I am a premium viewer and not a freeloader
Check the premium badge by my name before you try to bash me as a free users my guy.
It should also be noted that there is nothing wrong with free users. They are not freeloaders and have just as much of a right to be on this free forum as you do.
Мы вас любим и хотим чтобы у нас с вами был зрительный контак
I am not trying to cause problems for @anon10756158. My original comment was a tongue and cheek comment done in jest. I’m sorry if you were unable recognize that. It appears you were the only one unable to recognize my comment as such. I will not be discussing this further. Doing so would only be as you put it “ stirring”.
What happened?
ask someone who speaks (fluent) Russian
all i could understand was that yan had her phone and for some reason didn’t want to give it to her
then the usual nagging, loud voices, etc… the usual thing when flora doesn’t get what she wants
c’est pas bien grave , c’est la petite dispute mensuel . signé dans le contrat de mariage
And so she bit him?
c’est une habitude chez elle de mordre comme un pitbull
well, what would you call it?
well… a phone is personal, i would not be happy if anyone took it from me…
and she was kind of soft to him. the last time she tried to kick him in the nuts
I’ll put my earlier statement into perspective: she wanted the phone he had in his hand. I don’t know the devices well enough to know whether she wanted her phone back or wanted to see what was going on on his…
but yes, his nuts were spared this time
Those two with such an attitude won’t last long…
se disputé devant des gens en direct. ça va pesé lourd dans leurs souvenir.
I have the feeling that over the last couple of months their relationship has been increasingly fragile.
il faut une relation de confiance . un couple pour que ça fonctionne il faut qu’il soit complice. l’un pour l’autre. ici c’est pas le cas.