Yan & Flora

People don’t _____ like that normally? hmm. Guess I need to learn a new sk__l then. :thinking:

I suspect we have all done it at some point or other. I certainly have.

I do that all the time. Really annoying. :man_facepalming:

Then he went and did this!


Shaved the little chap? Stared at the wash basin? Put the shower head back all wonky? I don’t know man, you’ll have to clue me in. :wink:

Little???!!! :open_mouth:

I guess I’ve just been lucky… :nerd_face:

Must have spilt his _____ :joy:

Well then he needs to do that more often! :laughing:

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My arthritic knees hurt just looking at this. :hushed:

This really DID happen! :open_mouth: :hugs:
The timeline gives better context though, of course.

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Happened countless times between Dean and Alex. Also between Grant and Pete :stuck_out_tongue:

Always nice to see that, even if there is nothing more to it. :slight_smile:

Maybe you like that one here. Grant waking up Pete :wink:



What was the story behind that? I saw Grant glance quickly at the camera so was it a dare or something maybe? Very nice moment though. :wink:

Just shenanigans between the two :wink:
One more. Drew and Dean :joy:


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Nice that 2 (straight in each case we have both posted, I believe) guys can be that comfortable with each other.

Also, who was that stif hugged? while s___ping in the circle bed
at his old place…too funny!

Ken maybe? They are best mates, after all. If by “Stif”, you mean Stifler, that is. :slight_smile:

yeah, they were staying there at the time. but I was thinking it was somebody else