Try harder! (no pun intended obviously )
Are you saying my efforts are poor so far?!!!
(imagine this as a kind of pretend shocked gasp) …
He just needs to borrow the Spock ears we see Artem wearing sometimes!
That’s probably too much Tribble.
Nope he looks like Kirk. So no Spock ears.
Is this better @David .
Kirk has “no (Spock) ears”?! How does he hear?
Reminds me of the old joke…“my dog has no nose” - “how does he smell”? …“terrible”!
Thank you for rescuing the poor man from his earless troubles.
Pure slapstick. This is Ikea helpless in real time
Porn on in the background while he’s on the phone.
Then he finds a rather unusual way to _____ a cup of coffee!
For those who didn’t actually see what happened, he simply overfilled his cup so decided to _____ the excess the way you see here.
Hah I know that. Good method to prevent spilling…
Just like I _____ coke when I fill up my glass too quickly!
The age old question of Do I sip or spill?
Yep I admit, I have most certainly done this…more than once.
I think Aderyn will leave again the house tomorrow
He’ll be back (not sure when of course)…don’t panic!