Yan & Flora

Try harder! (no pun intended obviously :innocent: :rofl:)

Are you saying my efforts are poor so far?!!!

:open_mouth: (imagine this as a kind of pretend shocked gasp) …:laughing:

“Kirk to - ENTERprise - One to beam - aboard.”

He just needs to borrow the Spock ears we see Artem wearing sometimes! :laughing:

That’s probably too much Tribble.

Nope he looks like Kirk. So no Spock ears. :rofl:
Is this better @David . :man_facepalming:

Kirk has “no (Spock) ears”?! :open_mouth: How does he hear?

Reminds me of the old joke…“my dog has no nose” - “how does he smell”? …“terrible”! :rofl:

Thank you for rescuing the poor man from his earless troubles.

chihuahua ears GIF

Pure slapstick. This is Ikea helpless in real time

It won’t be his next job…

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Porn on in the background while he’s on the phone.

Then he finds a rather unusual way to _____ a cup of coffee!
For those who didn’t actually see what happened, he simply overfilled his cup so decided to _____ the excess the way you see here.


Hah I know that. Good method to prevent spilling…

Just like I _____ coke when I fill up my glass too quickly! :laughing:

The age old question of Do I sip or spill? :joy:

Yep I admit, I have most certainly done this…more than once. :slight_smile:

I think Aderyn will leave again the house tomorrow :sob:

He’ll be back (not sure when of course)…don’t panic! :hugs: