Yan & Flora

Thank you that’s Exactly the point I was trying to make

Astrid is an open, quite sensitive woman. But don’t irritate her, she doesn’t take prisoners. I didn’t watch her yesterday, but if someone had annoyed her too much, she would have fought back.

The fight with Flora at that time was one such example. She was attacked, in her opinion in her honor. She was hard to calm down.

Astrid says if something doesn’t suit her.

Yesterday I had briefly heard Muse & Astrid together at the table and just thought:

A kingdom with Astrid, muse together with G&A. You would see how men clean the apartment and the women give the orders.

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As I said, last night I didn’t watch, but so far Astrid has never been able to get enough. G. had rather said that his friend can no longer do it. She had always meant that she wanted to have sex until she fainted.

so this is to funny Aylin gets here stay 2 hours she leaves and Aderyn gets there so the grabbing start now there going to get her ■■■■ so she passes out thay have a plain

before that there was drama and now comedy

yes the show start after all of us saying something yesterday so what i see is Ayeryn and Aderyn can not be at there place together

tell me why they live together

if you go to Bella and lou someone tell us how thay make money one is people like drama makes. a lot of comments and sex that what a lot of people do here make comments and thay do the drama

now thay are just laughing at us for our comments last night so she must stay the other end of the couch she not a load laying beside him but he will want sex tonight

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how many times does Astrid must push him away

So have Guido and Alyin come out of the closet yet or are they still pretending they are straight? :smiley:

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no straight and you mend ADERYN

Guido can not take a shower a lone Aderyn must be in there

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Aderyn playing with Guido’s dick!

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Geez that just looks so awkward. Totally staged. :man_facepalming:

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Astrid do not look happy she got to get out of there find someone else Aderyn is gay and Guido bisexual she do not need this no respest

What do you call this if it he not in the Closet Gay, look at the picture he even playing with his cock. Can someone tell me if he not gay what his he… explain it to me… LOL Don’t tell me it about getting views. What guy sits in the bathtub with there best friend unless they are attractive to them sexuality. Unless he has a mental disorder and is starting to convince myself he’s not all there in the head. Has bonding issues …

We’ll as far as we have been told, they are straight, but it does make you wonder. If they are gay or bisexual, so be it, not a problem, but at least be honest about it. The problem is that if anyone criticises these guys, especially Aderyn, Flora’s default position is “but he’s a kind guy”, like that makes everything ok.

They are what Flora wants them to play :rofl:

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