Еще раз!)
Нам никто никогда не мешал. Мы дружная и весёлая компания. Астрид нравится проводить с Адерин время. Просто когда она выпьет, у неё меняется настроение по щелчку пальцев
So are you saying that it is Astrids fault? We see Aderyn touching Guido all the time, she doesn’t like it, she always pushes his hand away, you don’t see that as a problem? Maybe that is what makes her _____.
So once again what advice are you giving Aderin ref Aylin as we would all love to know
Нет, вы что. Я говорю вам о том, что ей нравится с ним общаться. Она не привыкла к нему, пока ещё в процессе. Просто она приехала к нам, когда Адерин уже жил с Эйлин. Так что нужно время. Иногда ей может что-то не нравится-это нормально. Адерин своеобразный парень)
Как сказал кот Леопольд, «давайте жить дружно»
Вот мой совет им )
Flora thank you and at least you have given us an answer. Do you think it will work out between them
I’m sure Aderyn is a kind guy, but while Astrid is getting use to their playful ways, wouldn’t it be best for the two boys to just tone things down a bit. Obviously it is too much for her to handle, and it is upsetting her.
С ней все в полном порядке, если хотите, можете писать в твиттер, там мы вообще отвечаем !)
Да, думаю все будет окей, но в любом случае посмотрим) пишите нам в твиттер, там мы отвечаем чаще, чем тут
Get well soon!
Hope you feel better and get well soon
Sadly Astrid is one of those people who cannot tolerate a_____l, it goes straight to her head and she acts ‘hyper’ and becomes completely unpredictable. Really she should not _____ at all but when she does it should be a long _____ _____ very slowly.
NO she do not like Aderyn touching Guido all the time she goes between them you can not see he never stopes and when she do not _____ she still has to go in between you see no wrong what Aderyn and every boby elas does
It’s only to please voyeurs and feed their imagination and fantasies… lol
you are so wrong what would do if someome was touching Yan you would do the same thing she _____s when hes there you do not see nothing look last night at the taps as soon that the Musa left Aderyn was all over Guido and she had to stop him its all about the ratings
I’m not trying to be argumentative for the sake of it and as most people are aware I’m not really a fan of Aderyn but I’m sure @anon10756158 understand what’s happening better then any of us do on here, if it was a issue I’m sure Astrid would say something to someone, from what I’ve seen of Astrid she’s seems not afraid to say how she feels
so now your going tp blame Astrid for her argue with Guido when everyboby lift for not talking to her all night and she was NOT _____ then she was talking its Guido to he wants Astrid and play gay to she do not want that
Astrid was saying something last night to Guido the best thing to do is keep Aderyn not there every 2 day
How the hell are you going to try to tell someone who lives in the apartment, who understands the language, and who knows the people better on a personal level, that they are ones that are wrong about what the people in question are feeling? Are you really serious?
and Astrid was in a lot of pain all day yesterday ,but Guido did not care and wanted his sex look at the pic above