Yan & Evelyn

to be fair in atleast a couple of instances she has kicked Yan out and/or made extremely icy/cold atmosphere towards him whenever her friends came around. So in this case I don’t blame for not wanting to be around anymore.

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guest girls :heart_eyes:


Talking about the clickbait queen… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I am out now, i just needed to say it :kissing_heart: :hugs:

so inviting friends is clickbait now? honestly just grow up mate act your age instead like a 13 year old girl. Of course your german bf finds this c___dish humor funny.

also you just said this yet here you are still posting also you posted here last night

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úgy látom már Yan nem jön haza amig be nem zár a birodalom

szép esztét Evelyin a mosoly :wink:

James you may recall in the dim and distant past that Yan and his previous partner shared an apartment with otto and lola. That relationship faltered and then Yan shared the apartment with otto and lola until he and flora formed a relationship. Then after a torrid time together they dissolved their partnership. So Yan staying with otto and lola isn’t that strange,

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Beauty is one thing, but thinking you’re a princess is another. I doubt Yan has ever seen her naked.

thanks for the info but i never said that was strange i know their history

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James my apologies I misunderstood your post


Guest girls look familiar but I can’t put my finger on where I have seen them before. Initially I thought one of the girl was Ava but seems not so.

The real test will come when we see guests shower, if they shower with clothes on then they are genuinely Evelyn’s friend otherwise just visitors from the VHTV guest list.

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blonde girl was guest at floras last summer

fekete haju vendég ritkán mosolyok

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Evelyn I’ve never commented on VHTV, but in your case I have to.You’re a beautiful girl. It’s evident that you don’t have it sorted yourself out when you talk about it all evening and make moments of sadness.You have your guilt about this situation too.Today she talked several times about walking, and visiting your grandm____r.I don’t believe you were there almost every day, especially when you came without your underwear (camera). You love YAN?! You were interesting because you have more than 3,000 contributions on the forum in the last month.In conclusion. keep your friends, but change the boy who was in the flat without YAN

What the fuck? It’s bored for almost a week.

@Yan_and_Evelyn szép jó reggelt :wink:

Dit is het einde van Yan en Evelyn denk ik

Yes, I think you’re right. With the princess in bed and Yan on the couch.

Seems, kind of the trend on a lot of places lately….SAD :stuck_out_tongue:


why is it sad that people are commenting on a place they like? Also look at the state of lyla and flora topic if you want to complain about nonsense comments