Yan & Evelyn

look at every other apartment its a Voyeur website but evelyn its not that type of girl so why join :rofl:

also thanks for calling me smart :+1: maybe i was wrong about you :rofl:

so why do you watch this apartment then if you want it closed?

i was curious to see what a yan apartment would look like without flora but looking at flora she seems to continue like business as usual :+1:

its not person or anything just wondering :+1:

you are top 3 posters. i would say you are a bit more then curious.

i spend more time posting yes because of the curiosity if i was premium i wouldnā€™t be posting as much but maybe i love the conversation about something so strange to me but maybe its just my own boredom :thinking: :rofl:

also other forums have top3 posters its not an unusual thing :man_shrugging:

My advice you is stick to watching click bait queen flora if thats what you think voyeurism is

i was talking about this topic not the whole forum

hold i thought you said not everything is clickbait or something like that so you see it too :rofl:

and i was talking about in general each forum has a top3 :rofl:

What I really do not understand are all the comments for a place where nothing happens at allā€¦

A&A 2.0 :rofl: :joy:

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Strange thing to say i dont understand so you would rather topics stay dead. Surely vhtv and you since you say you built the thing would rather topics stay alive even if most of it is nonsense

i was talking about evelyn inviting friends and acting normally is not clickbait. lying naked between 2 naked guys for a little while without doing anything is clickbait and thats what i saw flora do yesturday

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I did not complain. Genuinely wondering why they get so much attentionā€¦?

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because of they are different and of course evelyn being beautiful helpsā€¦ I guarantee if they were like any of couple and if Evelyn was like any other girl on here they would get less attention because we have seen it all before

As top5 poster you should know the answer to that question you are doing :grin: :grin:

The top poster does not like evelyn too :joy:

And, is that a crime ? After watching her from the very first day, there is nothing about this girl that i can possibly like, is quite simple, i donā€™t want to go back there now, i have just stopped posting here completely

Damn, after stopping posting for quite a while now and the huge number of nonsense posts, i am still number one poster :crazy_face:

what did i say that was wrong? You have the most comments in this topic. You also do not like evelyn you prefer click bait queens which is fine by me and very ironic you saying nonsense posts considering what i see you and your mate post in lyla and flora topics.

You wonā€¦ :hugs: