

I’m not posting a picture here, but there’s a kid in the realm right now. Somebody take it temporarily offline and have a stern talk with the participants.


I sent a message to support, and they are offline now


I also flagged my own post as illegal to get their attention…

more than offline…

The apartment is removed from the list.

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Yes, it is common when the rules are broken

I wouldn’t be surprised if this was the last we’ve ever seen of them. If something like that happens in such a new realm it seems like somebody didn’t really read their contracts carefully.

Also wouldn’t be surprised it this topic vanished without leaving a trace…

As the manager did not even bother to announce this place online when it joined the site, did not give a s__t about falling cameras and people hiding in blind spots I would not be surprised when they never got told any rules in that place…

Also makes you wonder why VHTV approved this dump of an apartment?

I have not really watched this place at all since it opnened, but I see that there has been talk about a no camera room and now I have to wonder for how long that kid has been in the apartment. Was he there from the start and suppoded to stay confined to his no-camera room? Sorry, but my brain is trying to piut 2 and 2 together, as brains do, and I really don’t like the suggestions it comes up with.

I fully expect this topic to be deleted any minute now, as VHTV can’t have speculation like that. Also, if the participants flat out lied in their applications it probably means that the contracts are void and the material recorded under these contracts can’t stay on the site.

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I have been glued to this apartment since it opened and have NOT seen a kid so the kid wasn’t there all along he must have arrived before it went offline.

I do hope you’re right. I guess it’s possible that a single parent dumped him on the other parent for the day without pre-warning. But they should have been aware that a kid in a live streaming apartment is an absolute no go. The list of no goes on VHTV is not very long, but that is probably item number one.

I’ve been checking what’s going on in the streams, been watching them fucking for about a minutre when they suddenly interupted and left the room. Thought they might be taking it to the bedroom. Taking a look atthe other cams I saw this little boy running around in the apartment.

Ich hab auch immer wieder mal reingeschaut hab aber kein Kind gesehen muss wohl später passiert sein . Jetzt hat natßrlich der Gang in den Raum ohne Cam wo sie ziemlich oft waren auch die Frau mal allein eine andere Bedeutung

Maybe he got in from the loggia and got in and might not be from Xomes and the girl that door seems always open. I can’t check the footage as the apartment is gone from the list but personally i think there should always be cameras in ever room.

Hast du gesehen als beide dass erste mal die Wohnung betreten haben ?

No did the kid arrive then?

Hm okay Naja denke dass war’s fürs Realm

Well we do not know until an official statement or the announcement on the site (Left project)

Get Out Theatre GIF by Tony Awards


They will be very worried, tomorrow they will open another realm and vhtv will welcome them on telegram.
The wheel turns. :joy:

No surprise hiding in the off cam toilet and very slow to sort out the cameras.

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