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Laugh Reaction GIF by GIPHY News
:face_with_peeking_eye: :rofl:

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Looks like sex off camera

Definitely the girl came out left her jumper and went back in


It does make you wonder where the organisation is headed if they are not bothered about the cams. :anguished:


I don’t know. It’s just bad management

Support told me the bathroom camera would be straightened when they got home.


Ein Raum ohne cam die Wohnung?

Yes the toilet they keep going in there.

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Hoffentlich nur für Pinkeln und Co.:smile:

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That is why they keep going there with more than one persons…

no there’s actually a henry room with no cam if you look at the plan. the toilet cam is back up and running

Schlecht für das realm :-1:

Well the fact the bathroom cam is still sideways and they are going in the off cam toilet all the time I feel this apartment won’t last.

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Henry hat es auch monatelang geschafft bei denen klappt es bestimmt auch :smile:

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