Writing in notebooks

In some apartments I have seen tenants especially ladies writing in notebooks. I would think in todays world that would be obsolete and laptops and tablets be the preferred methods of taking notes. My memory sucks when it comes to names of the girls doing it and only one springs to mind is .Rejolda but I distinctly remember more did it. Here we have Tessa.

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I guess she is doing some work for studies…

Kinda cool. Given she has a loose protractor, probably left over from school, perhaps she’s studying for something or filling out a test or application form.

She is checking the archives and counting the number of elliot fucks


Best we donate so she can buy a few more. :yum:

Elliots or Notebooks? :thinking: :joy:

As Elliot is rod and notebook is fish she’d better pick more Elliots and get more notebooks
scrooge mcduck GIF

Tessa and Barbie apparently are university students working on assignments - Tessa can sometimes be seen on Monday mornings rummaging through her notebooks and packing them up before leaving for the day. Amelie may also be a student, but I think she is some sort of advertising designer, from some things I saw her working on with her computer.

More people should keep little notebooks. I like to keep one in my pocket, fill it with bad poetry and weird thoughts. Then when I’m dead I can confuse the fuck out of people. My poetry is so bad I’ve compiled a bunch of it into a book that’s nearly ready for publication somewhere. Notebooks are useful. (recycled paper only, as I’m a good boy) Phones just don’t feel right. fiddly and then you just lose things in the matrix. Notebooks are lovely tangible things like real photographs created with the photochemical process. or analogue recordings versus digital. it’s a fuzzy nostalgia thing probably.
none of this has anything to do with girls studying, but there you go. :nerd_face:

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Amelle taking notes and speaking in English.

Sounds like she is taking an online class in learning English.

Not so sure about that as it seems more personal. She is so aware as she keeps looking into the camera.

She reads these forums from time to time, maybe she will tell us (and maybe she won’t) :thinking:

I am finding it difficult to understand as the ambience sound is interfering or maybe I am old and my earing sucks.