Why nothing happens anymore?

Maybe Christmas

VHTV has made no promises. He just said he will try to get back to active community interactions.

Maybe the attempt failed…? :thinking: :crazy_face:

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And I will certainly not make any promises this time too. When beginning working on this particular project among others I run, I had been making crucial mistakes on providing false promises based on the plans we had within the team. Unfortunately, not all of them came true, and it is what it is.

This applies to nowadays, where we faced several challenges, which we both could omit and could not. Of course we could do a better job, there’s always room for improvement.

  • New participants? We are always open to enroll new participants to VHTV, but we stick to our business model of an international franchise. We should do a better job focusing on expanding our studio/managers network, whose job is to scout & board new participants to VHTV. We are not involved in participants relationships like other websites may do. Please remember VHTV is a streaming platform, not a reality show in a classic way.
  • Better content? We try to stay away from influencing the way content is produced for VHTV and would like to keep this approach, despite it’s disadvantages of not being able to “shape” it the way some users want it to be. Our goal is to connect people willing to expose their lives with people willing to enjoy these lives being exposed.
  • Our participants, as well as managers, are provided to almost real-time stats on their viewership and money they earn. The resulting revenue may be different if studios have their own conditions with their own participants, but everyone understands if they’re doing good or bad. In addition, we always forward our user’s cumulative feedback to our studios for them to find ways to improve their work.

I’m sorry if the project became slow or not interesting to you. We aren’t keeping anyone here and alwasy suggest suspending their recurring subscriptions if they feel like they don’t want to pay for the service they do not watch or are not satisfied. In fact, we do periodic mass refunds to subscribers, whose activity at the website stalls for any reason, just in order to make sure they do not pay for nothing. Of course, such actions have negative impact on our revenue, but we feel much more confident when we provide services to people who are willing to receive those from us. You can always re-subscribe in the future whenever you find the website more appealing to you.

We do understand that the activities in the past were more interesting/fascinating for some, but in the same time, there are newer users who find the ongoing streams appealing to them and we cannot ignore that too. It is the way of life to be nostalgic about past as it almost always appears better than current reality. There are objectively valid things proving the content was better any time before, but as we do not shape it on purpose, it organically evolves and both attracts and does not long-time and new subscribers.


Thank you for providing the forum with this comprehensive update.


Well, let’s admit it wasn’t something some people wanted me to post. People need revolution. People want to “make VHTV great again”. I would vouch for it too, but am in a different position and perspective of how things should evolve, which will never be understood by many, and I certainly understand why.

For example, I hate how Spotify service became worse and worse every year, and now it’s a total mess. But I still think it will improve, despite they don’t do a better job of listening to their community :laughing:

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I think it actually was me who at least was one of those that in a sentence or two coincidentally mentioned make vhtv great again. I am sorry guys. :joy: :hugs: :laughing:


Thank you for the update


My problem with “the project” is that there are many scenes that are worthy, but no “moments operators” ever transfer them to the archive. If asked to do so by a subscriber, then it is done. The archive is the best selling point of this site. I personally can’t watch all the realms 24/7 and count on being able to check it out in the archives. But, I have seen many great scenes that never make it to the archives. If the company would make sure that no sexual scene is ever not added to the archive, most of us would be cool. Sure, some may not be done according to the rules. I hope that is not why a lot are overlooked. Please make it worth it for your people to never miss a quality scene. Or hire someone to do the job. That’s really all that I ask for.


I have to admit that I personally at least partly live on paying the subscription. To have access to the whole of the archives. Honestly. :hugs: :joy:

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If you open a request here

then it can be saved other than that we won’t know if sex occurred if we don’t watch a certain apartment or able to have to scroll through every camera for 24 hour footage of each camera in each apartment no one has the mental ability to do this.

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Well, the site is Great already :slightly_smiling_face:


I always ask people to not rely on publicly available statistics, as these usually have nothing common with how things really are. The visitors traffic stats can be inflated and deflated extremely easy. In the same time, I’m very glad the VHTV Forum continues to ride it’s trend and gaining more exposure in the web, considering we do not do advertising for it the way we do for the VHTV Main. Thank you all for being here and making this community the best around amateur/voyeur/vhtv content :slight_smile:


I can guarantee you that I will not return to RLC again. I have been “test riding” them before. :wink: :hugs: :slightly_smiling_face:

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I moved from RLC to Vhtv in 2021 and never felt the need to go back over there. Nothing else needed to say :wink: :hugs:

Exactly. Based on my experience I can only state the same. :hugs: :heart_eyes:

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That’s the point! The subscribers shouldn’t be having to “document” a scene. And if I don’t ever see the scene live, I can’t "document the scene. You are asking people who pay good money to do what the “company” should be doing!

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I fully agree with you. Nothing else needed to say. :heart_on_fire: :fire:

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Thanks. I do love this site. It irritates me that no one is watching the store. So it’s our fault that the archives aren’t as good as they could be. Not my job!

You must be new!

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I agree. Obviously it is not a complain against the operator that are doing a great job. But if we can help from subscribers side maybe we need a longer time frame than 48 hrs. Probably it is a technical limitation but personally I have no chance to check so often. Then to have a more updated archive is a must for me

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