I was surfing CB and came across Belinda! While in chat I asked her how she was doing. And that many missed here here at VH. She sent me a PM and we chatted for a while. I didn’t ask her to much as she was working and I didn’t want to take away from that. I’m sure that those that know her will be glad she doing well. I asked her if she was ok with posting her CB link here with some pictures. And she fully approved.
Who could forget Belinda!
Damn I wish she would return!!!
I absolutely adore her.
Well she was a guest at Sophia, Elon, Claudia as I’m sure you remember.
I know there isn’t a chance of her coming to VHTV and having her own realm. But who knows if she’ll come back as a guest.
I just traveled back in time for the last while reading and looking at some great pictures!
The 1st picture I saw of Belinda before she received he VH name.
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“Pretty Belinda” besides Sophia and Claudia the reason why I followed Elon.
I am not at home, will add a few nice photos on tuesday.
Full disclosure…with her ok to post.
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Thanks for the mammaries…Ummmm memories!
For those that are interested you might want to click on the link in my original post right about now!