Wheres this apartmens in which country and in which city and the pepole from where?

wheres this apartmens in which country and in which city and the pepole from where ?

and is it bosiple to visit them to say hi ?

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Of course not. :joy:

becouse they aer nice and fun thats why am asking :))


okk if some one want to join them to stay in one the apartments how they make it ? :slight_smile:

thats why i was asking in which country the apartment :slight_smile:

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Well they are inviting their friends…

Mainly Russia and Kyrgyzstan. One in Italy, I think. There used to be a few in Romania, I don’t know if there are anyone left.
I don’t know any specifics. These are just my very general guesses based on language, timezones and etnicity.

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…from my time zone, one seems in south America…

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Aha i see s from diffrant countrys nicee :slight_smile:

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I thought they are all from Russia, except Maddy & Rocco and Ambar & Dane… :upside_down_face:

South America? No, I don’t think so. The timezones range from +2 to +7. South America would be -3 to -5.

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Yeah, and I think, Jabbath sayd earlier somewhere, all apartment is in GMT+7.

No. The timezones are listed under the apartment names. There are a handful in +2, wich means central or western Europe. Everyone from +3 and eastward speak Russian.


That was my understanding too. Mostly from Russia (or surrounding countries maybe) and then a couple of them from Columbia.

Ah, you guys are right! I took a dive into the apartments I never watch, to check them out.

Maddi & Rocco and Ambar & Dane are from South America. Probabl Columbia. They are GMT-5, and they speak Spanish.
Then you have Hector & Marla, who are Italian.
Oliver is in Czeckia.
Amelie & Lucas are also +2. Does anyone know what language they’re speaking?
All the +7 apartments speak Russin, but I think they are located in one of the -stan countries where Russian is official language. My guess is Kyrgyzstan.
The rest are in Russia.

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NB it ’ s not important to me but it s the only room with this time zone for me under GMT

I was just watching Oliver and I honestly thought I was hearing him (speaking to himself but out loud so he could be heard reasonably easily) in French. Also, the time zone suggests that, in relation to where I am. I could be wrong though, of course.:slight_smile:

I haven’t watched Oliver, but the previous tenants in this apartment were Czech. It’s in Czechia.

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He is french, but his appartment is in Prague.