- Alphabetical
- Time Zones
- Doesn’t really matter
Cronological. Newest to oldest. Like it kinda is now.
I’d like them in custom order - to be able to put them in any order I choose.
And never a relocation should change that place position. That seems a trick quite often used by the +7 places
From that three option had to choose the “doesn’t really matter” just because none of the other two are good options
Now it seems abit random. Sometimes places get new tenants and it bumps to the top, and sometimes the apartments who gets new tenants stays where it was. I think it should be more fixed.
Yes, i talked about that “random” thing concerning to the places with support some time ago.
And agree that new tenants should taking care as a new place (unless the “ex-tenants” keep living there)
With the right logic Likkas place (90) should be on top now? Right?
But she was already a regular guest
No, cause exception the name change, all the rest remains the same, Agnia still there and s___ping in main room and the “suppose” tenant in guest room
“Copy+Paste” of Katia and Benjamin places
I would like to see them in order of appearance, the last appeared realm first. If participants change (for example Agnia → Likka), a realm should bubble up.
I would like to be arrange them in the order I choose.
If you’re a premium subscriber you can click the star by the apartment name and make a shorter list of your favourites, which appears at the top of the listing. So, I have eight favourites and see those first. That’s adequate ordering for me. The biggest thing as far as I’m concerned is consistency in matching the forum titles to the apartment. on the main site it’s Stifler and Goldie, but in the forums it’s Goldie and Stifler. it’s a small niggle but it would make searching easier if everything tallied.
On this subject, can the apartment list in the archive please be sorted alphabetically?
custom ordering would be nice, like a nice ajax draggy drop thig