What happened to Marta & Lolly? one day they were live and the next gone. No mention in the apartment list about ‘leaving the project’ or ‘on vacation’ they were my favourites by far and probably the main reason I haven’t re-subscribed.
they went to the nunnery where they came from
All apartments within the GMT+7 timezone the partcipants change very rapidly and they relocate every few weeks. It is basically a big circus there run by the manager. Manager orders them what to do.
And manager obviously does not care about informing VHTV when participants leave or change.
In Ayako & Bango place we already have the third couple now and they were all called Ayako & Bango
Just a quick one, jab; are you mod here?
No. I let others do the disciplining of the kids
Well, I don’t participate in the cc forum any more, so I think that could be the place where people could finally vote without evil influencers for what they want to watch
Thank you for the update about the time zone.
I don’t think they have a mod yet. I hope they don’t pick someone who doesn’t officially work for vhtv. They need a mod who can speak on behalf of vhtv, if necessary. Someone who can be fair-minded when it comes to all apartments, not biased towards their favorites.
Hi. I have absolutely no favorites among the participants, maybe I am the one you need? Because I’m afraid you won’t find such sites among active viewers.
I would hope that you’re not biased against people on your site. Eventually, you’ll need help though. I just hope you don’t pick someone who is biased towards the tenants and members of the forum. It should be someone who represents vhtv’s interest, not necessarily their own. Someone neutral, who can speak on behalf of vhtv is best.
For now, we can handle it ourselves. When the need arises, we will announce the involvement of forum participants as moderators.