Looks like we got our answer about it. VHTV couldn’t give a s__t about us replying about what need improvement or new ideas.
Looks like it, and looks like he has thrown his rattles out of the pram.
If you’re not senseless enough to keep healthy discussions and ignore stuff, you’d better skip the role.
This is what he said to me today, so I resigned, and maybe he should take a note out of his own book and think before he acts. In a slight defence for him, this is wholly out of character for him and I guess he is just having a bad day.
Its always been like that
I think the whole point of the thread was what was the point of it in its current state when no one replies, and just a little feedback would have gone a long way.
It was up until a few months ago or so we always got a reply about if it would happen and some of the stuff what was asked we got a reply saying it was been worked on, But jabbath posted saying that lately we don’t get an answer and what was the point of us posting if we got no reply from VHTV management.
Well I admit I tried to stir the s__t a bit to get the attention. But my intention was to get him into a discussion about why there is no more interaction with us in there category.
If I had known he will delete it I would have never posted it. I guess it’s partly my fault the category is gone now
This is what I wrote above, most of us saw the meaning behind the post and it’s a shame another didn’t.
He never reacted that way before and I know him as a nice guy so I think he will restore it some time later.
I never wanted it deleted but just to delete it like that he must be pretty mad as @anon31605929 said he has been in a bit of a bad mood today.
That is what surprised me as it is totally out of character for him and as I said most likely a bad day. Come on @VHTV_James we love you really.
Or maybe a different person is using that account?
I have to admit that’s the only thing i can think off because his reply to ukpolska earlier was not nice.
So, maybe he has the hump with me, hope not.
Maybe we should ask support? I am sure they will know. But it won’t be me doing a ticket this time
Well if I am in his bad books there is no point me asking.
So we wait if someone else will do it…
Yes, no, may be…
What do you mean?