We all did things when we awere younger

Most of the Apartment dwellers are young and look to be in their 20 30’s. Yes, there are older ones too. I’m not here just to watch the sex scenes though they are good also when they happen. I find it entertaining when they party and have those arguments with their mates or other guest visiting during parties. I probably get a lot of negative replies from this but that’s okay. I have never been one to follow the crowd and always did what I enjoyed and entertained me. I do enjoy reading all the other forums and most of the time they are good. But for those who are always negative about everything you should at least respect other people’s opinions good or bad. Just because some people don’t like a certain couple or couples there are a lot of others who do like them regardless if they are boring and not having sex every half hour. Hey, we were all young once and did some wild and crazy thing during those times so they are not doing anything different than we have all done at one time or another.

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You are right, I know I did crazy things when I was young, if you didn’t have sex at a party then it was a s__t party, and always to much _____ :face_with_monocle:

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I have no regret (for the moment… :wink:) I always stopped before to get dead _____ so I was able to take advantage of the possibilities. Then I married a cool and understanding wife. So what can I ask more ?

steve martin two wild and crazy guys GIF by Saturday Night Live
Hey we’re wild and crazy guys

My crazy days ended in 2009 when my life partner died. Then everything was just black. black, black, black. Darkness n despair. And then in 2010 my dog died too. Life is fun and then the s__t hits the fan, so enjoy the good times while you got em. Never know when fate will do the dirty on you. Eat, _____, toke, Fuck and be happy. :no_mouth:

Wir sind nicht so Alt um sex zur haben mir Felder der sex ich habe schon. Seher lange keinen Sex gehabt ist auch schwer ohne Frau :woman:

Sex ohne Frau ist viel leichter als mit Frau… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Sex mit einer Frau macht sehr viel Spaß und ist sehr schön um zusammen zu sein