
i found this site spiedlife dont think there is any nudity allowed from what i see but they have a premium plan witch i dont understand their eur prices

but it looks like alot.

On this site nudity is not allowed at all. Participants are allowed to move cameras, so people often turn camera to the wall during dressing up.
Unfortunately, there are not very many cameras (usually 1-2 per apartments).

whats point of it if no nudity

No idea. Seems some fools pay for it. Heard of it first time by now

im uncomfortable with c___dren involved in these type of things you dont know who is watching

Same than Watchme247

They have minors on cam there? :-1:

They were even worse :-1: :-1:

it was a mess this site :rofl: :rofl:

As far as I can tell, they are still very sad. For example, there are problems with streaming - he constantly freezes. It seems to be related to CORS headers. This is a common mistake made by newcomers to streaming, we also had this at first. Well, it looks like it’s more like a webcam, only without nudity.

i pretty much was looking for other voyeur site and cam across it. and i dont think the price is worth it also just noticed there was kids in this site not for me.

now that you said it. it dose look like watchme 24/7

To me it looks like a new version of watchme 24/7, that was very similar. Nothing really sexual about it. But I find the concept pretty interesting.

it dose look liked watch me a new version of it before they got shut down. reason why is this. Israeli Couple Arrested for Allegedly Involving Kids in Live Stream Used in Website With Sexual Content - Israel News - Haaretz.com

Hello (VHTV)
Let me ask you, do you have future development plans for this project (VHTV)? Or just to continue what we see now?
If there are plans, I hope you can give us an overview of them… Thank you very much

From what I can see a very reasonable question. My guess is put in more beds and give more cellphones.

Frankly, what you say makes sense

this site was nonsense, given the article, I also found that there were times when c___dren, especially teenagers, were in open mode. the m____r who had a violent husband, she was well made. the tattooed woman fucked hard h24. I especially believe that the site did not give a good image of the country.

Es war mal alles viel besser. Für jeden war etwas dabei. Jetzt beim Ficken nur noch aufs Handy schauen. Schade das fast alle es machen.

Yes, we have plans to change both technical features and content towards liveliness and variety. As for technical features, we expect the release of a new platform for the site, which will allow faster implementation of such features. Since this is not a simple matter, I cannot guide you on the timing. And we have already started working with the content, and there are already some changes, it seems to me.