Voyeur brothel

Why VHTV does not setup one of the realms in a brothel in one of the countries where sex work is legal?
The idea is that clients get a discount when they consent to cameras
There was a similar project in Prague few years ago

Good thinking. But then, for how long would this be interesting? You would want new faces every now and then. You might like some sex workers better than others. You would like some social interacting, some drama even. A change of scenery might be nice. New decorations, new rooms, new camera angles.
And you know what? This is exacly what we have here.

There will be more variety of male guests. Also brothel sex is less fake, clients are doing it for the sake of their pleasure, unlike participants here staging orgies just to get more viewers.

I’m afraid that brothel sex as you call it, is even more boring than the most boring sex here on VHTV.
And then there would be the sex workers who are f___ed to work there (by people or circumstances) and have no joy in their job at all. I’m not saying that this doesn’t happen here on VHTV btw.

Going off-topic here, sorry for that.

Would you be interested in having VHTV cameras in your house?

You would be surprised at how much drama is in a brothel. I know from experience, I was a manager at one.

which country was that ?

Czech Republic

Pay me 3000 Euros each month and you can put cameras in my house.
Unfortunately, you might get bored quickly since I am mostly sitting at the computer working, fixing myself another simple meal, or crashing on my bed.
I could live in a tiny house and still have room for several renters.

even 1500€ would be enough for me :wink: curious how much they earn

That is an interesting question that you have.

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Me too I think is a really interesting idea

Would be a good idea…