Viktor, Kye, Nena

Well if used properly, a Jack Russel is a VERY VERY good rat catcher indeed. They have the instinct already, to do that but extra training CAN be given to make them HIGHLY effective at the job in hand.

I am in to falconry and actually there are ways this could be used as well (with certain species of hawk, rather than falcons specifically), although I am certainly not suggesting this as a practical method, for the guys in the apartment.

Would shutting the window not solve the problem :thinking: :grin:

Well yes, that is another (less dramatic) method I suppose. Not so good, if you are trying to let some air in though.

Yeah you’re quite right :thinking: get a cat, leave window open, cat goes outside to explore (what they do) rat comes into kitchen, problem solved :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

So we are back to the Jack Russel idea then as they (probably) won’t climb out of a window (especially a high one)! Mind you, I suspect stranger things have happened.

No! back to my idea, close the window room heats up causing the house to heat up, making everyone take more clothes off :grin: :joy:

Um, yes I can see certain advantages to THAT idea! :wink:

There’s always method in my madness :wink: :grin:

Good man! :hugs:

again?? man thats bad over there…

The rat was all over the kitchen… they checked and wiped everything earlier that I saw.

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Would make their roach problem worse though… :cockroach: :cry:

A disease rats can give you.

Rats can give you a lot of different types of diseases… Do we really need to list all of them here? :thinking: :rat: :mask:

Fuck knows what’ll happen in here if there’s a Tiger comes in the window :man_facepalming:
back off dynasties GIF by BBC America

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Well that should get rid of the rats!!! :laughing: If I were a rat and that came towards me, I would certainly run!

So only if you was a rat you would run :thinking: If you was just yourself you wouldn’t run :joy: :joy:


No…contrary to popular belief, you shouldn’t actually run from a wild a____l as they react to movement and it makes the situation worse.

I learnt that from a course I used to attend at agricultural college. No tigers were mentioned (not surprisingly) but well…bulls and tigers, between friends, what’s the difference?!

Well if I was with you David and we met a Tiger I would just make sure that I’m running faster than you :grin: