@VHTV_CEO@VHTV_James Surely the subs and potential subs should get to know how their views turn into money for the managers.
You have said that you take 50% off the top, but how does the other 50% get divided up in the form of views? Is it a simple matter of dividing the 50% of the sub price by the number of seconds in length of the subscription? And then tallying each second a sub watches to the managers pot?
If say, each second is worth x amount per the above comment, then what happens to the unused seconds that a viewer doesn’t watch anything?
If a sub watches 2 apartments at the same time does that further divide the worth of the subs view pay? If so can this be tricked by watching on 2 different browsers or computers? Surely not chase then a subs view worth would have to double, for example.
Can you clarify if a subs view through the free cams pays the same rate as if they view through a pay cam. I know in the past you said it didn’t pay, but why would you do this? It seems to me that if you allowed for subs only pay via the free cams that it would better encourage the tenants to feel free to move about their apt in the since that no matter where they were they could still earn money from the subs. If the free cams always pay $0.00 then doesn’t that incentivize the tenants to stay away from the non earning free cams? Thus, lessening the possibility of garnering new subs.
Thanks for your response in advance. I think a sub should know what their view is worth to the managers and tenants.
The algorithm for sharing the proceeds between the participants is the core of the project and is under the strictest NDA. All I can tell you is that it is much more complex than you think, and takes into account the activity of participants on both paid and free cameras.
Yes, I can imagine so. The main point I guess I was getting to was that you need to make it so that there are no parts of persons place where they earn nothing because it really does influence their normal behavior and you end up with tenants who corral themselves in pay only areas of their apartments. It’s pretty obvious.
I do however think the subscriber should know how best to compensate the tenants because I think most of them right now think that their view only counts if they are viewing through a pay cam. I used to do this when I had a sub, I’d try to only use the pay cams if it was something that I wanted to support. I would have liked to know if viewing a free cam gad the same benefit for them.
Mira and Henry are a great example. They have an awesome free cam and sometimes it’s the better view. If I were a sub, i wouldn’t use it though cause I would think it would be a wasted view for them.
Anyways, you get what I’m saying and so I’ll just hope you have all that sorted out like you said you do.
Balancing the distribution is a difficult and long process, we are constantly changing the coefficients that govern earnings from free and paid cameras. But the members know exactly what they are earning in all places.
Thx! This is very good to know. Previously it was rather black and white. As corrected, perhaps indeed, there is nothing to be concerned about after all.
Quite agree about the free cams. The position of these shouldn’t obviously be in any prime position but just to give the viewer and idea of what is going on. Obviously no one has any control, i assume, of what the tenants do or where but if they should decide to have a romp on the kitchen table that is up to them but see no reason for any free cam NOT to be an earner.
Sounds like they have taken it into some consideration. If they didn’t Mira and Henry would probably be losing a lot of money, for example. I just can’t see them letting that go for nothing.