I subscribe to fully both RLC and VHTV and both have good and bad points. Both have times where apartments are inactive (better word than empty) and a shame they were not combined as I probably watch between 10/12 apartments out of them all. However, the forum for VHTV is much better although the personal attacks on individuals are a lot worse.


the forum is more entertaining then the main site the problem is the relationship between the participants and users have gotten to close and personal in my opinion for a voyeur site


It’s a public forum freely accessible to all

But anyway So on that basis the topic title then is not allowed which I didn’t create by the way it was one of your fellow colleagues or any of the discussion here would also be forbidden

Is camcaps not a rival to this forum?

Sad Get Over It GIF

Actually yes you did you are the first person on the topic.

It appears that way but my original post was in this topic below and it was moved to create this topic

me and shyguy were discussing rlc on the offlist topic so jabbeth created this topic and moved all what we said here.

@Shyguy Dalyes is so quick to throw folk under a bus and doesn’t have the full story - loves to throw rocks and hide his hands as well.

Got an entire apartment shut off alleging r__e, with no evidence, and the woman was back the next day in the same bed with the same man. All because the said man refused to show his dick for him to see.

Man I don’t know what’s going on….but I m always fan of your gifs… they are really hilarious :sweat_smile::joy:

You asked a question and you got your answer, I am sorry if it was not convincing enough for you. Not going to argue with you on this matter.

That’s fine I just hope you keep these standards now going forward

you are the only “moments operator” who is still moving things to the s__thole even though even vhtv said just flag the comments and now you are deleting links for no reason other then you want to flex your power.

Ok thanks for letting me know i only saw the first post here on this topic and wasn’t aware it was split from another topic.

I’ve had nothing to do all-day :rofl: + jetlag!

That’s not true i never throw anyone under the bus or attack them regarding the full story yes i do post and say what i can only see and if i get it wrong i apologize. Regarding the whole Trump issue i’m not speaking about that again i know what i saw and that is that.


i was a member in 2012 before I went to VHTV, there are still pairs in there that was there when i was ,there was a lovely blond girl with a small dog but i have forgot her name she is maybe the best thing about it ,also there was a all girl house which at the time the forum was non stop talking about them i think the forum was realivecams but i not sure

30 minute limit between posts for no reason :joy: :joy: :joy:


all this fuss over a topic that should be discussed only the differences between vhtv and rlc… :thinking:


Nice short nap between posts. VHTV likes to chase members away.