Or could it be her split personality :rofl:

I’m a subscriber to RLC and has been for years and i have to tell that some apartments are empty not all the time as i post this now 3 apartments are empty right now.

So, you complain that there are not enough participants living real lives but then when they do it makes you leave the site? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: People with real lives don’t spend the majority of their time at home unless that is also their place of work…

Please advise RLC website name so i can sign up for membeership

( Advertising links are not allowed )

RLC is more real then here… Some great partys there. They both have down times when theres not much going on. But thats what makes this real and not just staged porn… If you read my posts i complain about some, But thats what makes these sites enjoyable…The what will happen next factor! I can get porn for free!

You’re always arguing with folks, always want to be right, sickening as fuck!

Don’t you have a life outside these websites? Nobody should know whether apartments are empty all day.

The others are correct - it’s just different, people go out and about and not sit up in a house all day like prisoners.

What in the world it got hidden…. If it’s related with topic…:thinking: I don’t think it should be hidden better sent links in PM :sweat_smile:

Seriously @Bluewinner you are going to remove the link? If it’s that offensive then why not just remove this topic completely

Strange how others can link external websites like in the below topic

Or that VHTV actually mention the website plus others themselves

I am sure @Bluewinner had his reasons for that.

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Man, people go out and about all the time here on Vhtv as well, it is normal, i left RLC after a dead long period, the girls on “vacation” left and very few (interesting for me) other remain. Earlier , when i opened after a very long time, i got a deja vu feeling, although there are a lot more people now. Never expected such a big debate or attacks for basically nothing. Have a nice day/evening.

Maybe he thinks VHTV is scared of the competition.

Big debate and attack :sweat_smile::joy::joy:

I’m sure they have, doesn’t mean it is right or that I agree with it

links to other websites get posted all the time and nothing happens so just another example of no consistency from the “moment operators”

Where in my post was i having a go or attacking you.

Yea…! I saw many external links and pics from other sites…… but it never got hidden….

We were just correcting your lie that the majority of the apartments were empty. I even said have a nice day :joy:

It’s VHTV’s private forum, you can not advertise the competition here. It’s as simple as that.

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The “attack” is you dared to have a different opinion to him

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