VHTV participants and guests (and forum members) in songs

Well I dealt with Raslan the other day if you remember so that’s one you won’t need to worry about.

As for Ubaldo, I have found a few tunes which might in fact be suitable as well. I will let you look into those though…they ARE there, I promise!


David Bowie - John, I’m Only Dancing

Skeeter Davis & Bobby Bare - A Dear John Letter

Here’s two more songs for forum member @John78. Hope you don’t mind mate, I kind of gave myself a challenge there :wink:


It would be alright to have one song per active participant. Then there would be enough songs to select from. :wink:

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Hm, I’m looking for songs with Tyrese in the title. And if I find ten different ones, you may get ten songs here. I might need a huge looking glass in doing it though :wink:

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I have already had one song handed out and selected especially for me already one, two and three times from before. So there is no need to rush instantly with that subject. :slight_smile: :wink:

Hm, if a song with Tyrese in its title even exists, I can’t remember seeing it in this topic. Sure you might have had songs directed at you in other topics, but that doesn’t really count here :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yes, you are very much most probably right in your little assumption there. The problem is just that I can not remember every single one of them right now and where they are placed. :wink: :slight_smile:

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As far as I know I have written around about a probable amount of 1.600 posts so far during my time here so far. I get almost a little scared only by thinking about that. :slight_smile: :wink:

How about this one then?! :wink: The Tyrese Song


Excellent. The basic theme is completely spot on. Bravo! :wink: :slight_smile:


Ever so SLIGHTLY repetative though, isn’t it?!!! :laughing:


I remember slightly quite well the finnish eurovision song contest contribution in Sweden in 1992. That song had a repetitive element going like Yammah, yammah, yammah, yah. It was going over and over again in a total amout of I think it was 53 times during three minutes. The contest was won by the irish singer Linda Martin with the song titled “Why me”. It was written and produced by Johnny Logan. :slight_smile:

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You have to misunderstand me correctly, but I am very comfortable with the fact that the bloke pictured in the song itself does not look like the real me at all. :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

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Leonardo Favio - Anny

Anny :heart:


Kissing Is A Crime - Sheila’s Gone

Shelia/Sheila :heart:

I’d like to give a mention to Shelia! From the moment she first arrived, I really liked her. Sadly it became obvious she came crrying some heavy luggage. I hope the best for her, and that she can find some peace in her life :hugs:


Janis Joplin-Mercedes Benz

Mercedes @ Teanna & Ronin


Sea Wolf - The Violet Hour

Eddy Arnold & The Needmore Creek Singers - Jeff Canady

Violet & Jeff, former participants (left in 2018)

Pic from somwhere on the forum, or archives or who knows… and passing by @letsdothis. Belonging to VHTV anyway :wink:


Sjø Ulven. Og så kan jeg ta med Violet timen og da. Sånn for syns skyld liksom. :slight_smile: :hugs: :hugs:

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Ja, og så de sangerne som trenger mer da.
Men nå må vi kanskje passe oss før vi havner i skravleboksen igjen :wink: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Ja, ja, det er jo et poeng det. Er ikke fullt så redd for å havne der på norsk. Har en rolig greie på akkurat det altså. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

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