VHTV Guest Reunion

I would love a VHTV Guest Reunion where we as viewers can decide who comes back even if just as a guest for a week or 2 VHTV could give us a list of 10 or 15 girls or couples to request a guest appearance my choices would be

Reese Funny Sabrina Katrin Grace Jasmine Nikki Ada Ilka Jennifer

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Also VAL and Martha

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Mine would be:

Jacob (Grace as above) Patrik (Clair) Sean (Clarice) Daniel (Dominessa) Barney (can’t remember his girlfriend’s name) Bart (Isa) *girlfriends in brackets could join the guys if they wish / are still with them.

And probably a few other guys if I sat and thought about it for longer!

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imagine how fun it would be even for just a week or so

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Amen to that! :slight_smile:

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A reunion would only be possible if the past tenants wanted to so would have nothing to do with the members whatever their likes would be. Obviously i suppose most have moved on with their lives by now anyway. One i would like to see back would be Edda, she was no model type but had a great personality and was always very lively. But i think she has a family now so probably no chance of seeing her again but we can always hope. Perhaps an odd cameo appearance :rofl:

Just Reese !