VHTV Forum Roadmap

I wouldn’t exactly say flourishing, but good to know. I’m certainly curious to see what happens. I knew that you would eventually try this. Good luck! :+1:t2:

You’re going to need to put a big fat link to this forum on your main site or no one is going to be able to find it.

Another piece of advice, I would hide the post counts in the topics.

So, apparently you can’t make more then 3 posts in a row. I had to edit this one to add this post.

‘No more than 3 consecutive replies are allowed. Please edit your previous reply, or wait for someone to reply to you.”

Am I allowed at this forum to say that I like porn stuff, or suddenly some CC stupid expats will arise here and try to make me aware that sex workers especially those who work for VHTV are criminals :laughing:just asking :joy:

Btw; link to this forum should be on the top of the main site, it would be easier to spot it, lol; at the moment, many subscribers can have problem to notice that it exists at all :crazy_face:

So, apparently you can’t make more then 3 posts in a row. Can this be fixed?

‘No more than 3 consecutive replies are allowed. Please edit your previous reply, or wait for someone to reply to you.”

Should it be fixed? It seems quite fair, why make several replies, “spamming” the thread feed, when you can add everything in one of two replies.

New replies appear in the thread dynamically, with no need to reload the page.

Well especially when you want post photos of ongoing events it is better you cam make more than three in a row.

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@anon11413635 @jabbath1987 we just raised the consecutive post limit from 3 to 6 for now. As this idea seems not ideal, we may develop auto-merge functionality in the future. This will let users make any amount of posts, but all of them will be instantly merged into the first message of theirs before anyone replies below.


Btw, members need to be able to quote posts.

We checked everything, any user can quote anything. You just need to select the text you need to quote and “Quote” button will appear instantly. Press it and you’re good to go.

You can also quote several messages while typing a reply and all of these quotes will be added to the draft without affecting the text you’ve drafted.

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Yep! That works. Cool :+1:

So now, finally, vhtv needs to make the content for people to have something to talk about :joy: :crazy_face:

VHTV doesn’t make content. VHTV doesn’t find the talent. I’m waiting for more tenants who are directly connected to the site without middle men before I pay anything. I don’t like the mangers one bit cause I don’t want to see contracted, directed, live action amateur porn. I want to see real people, who do what they want, when they want, and how the want with no pressure from an outsider. If you have a problem with the content blame the managers and tenants, but the VHTV model is pretty well set. They take what they can get and that’s it. They aren’t going to tell anyone what to do beyond some form of incentives, which only undermines the whole premise of what should be real life voyeurism.

Get rid of the donate button it’s a complete waste of time. I already have a way of hiding it in my browsers so i don’t have to see it but occasionally when I open another browser it reappears there.


Really curious how many people use it? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :joy:

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Jabbath 1987 I hope that the idea is used as it will provide a platform for users to chat and share ideas and thoughts about the various realms. :smiley:

Yes that forum here. We were talking about the weird donate button before :wink:

Personally I don’t think the button will be used very often :blush:


Fully agree to that :+1:

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The biggest problem with the donate feature is that the person it’s aimed won’t know who gave it or why they gave it. Even worse, the money is getting skimmed 0-100% by VHTV and the manager, before it gets to the target. The user has no assurance that their tip was received.

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