VHTV Does not want male gay/bi participants. Zero male gay action on the site issue

Do you think we should have a separate thread where we can talk about things that are happening in the apartments that appeal to us gay viewers & post screenshots of the hot guys? Or do you think the discussion & screenshots should be posted in each existing apartment thread?

I personally think it would be nice to have our own thread.

I think you should do it in the normal topics. No matter if gay, lesbian or straight stuff is happening there it all belongs to the specific apartments and should be discussed there. Why use an extra topic for that? We also do not do an extra topic for the straight stuff.


If you actually believe that then more fool you. They have come out with this before. So I would not believe a word that comes out their mouths. They will say anything to keep their gay subscribers. I for one had enough, and stopped paying them.

I’m happy to post male/gay stuff in the normal topics. I hope I’m wrong but I just feel that people aren’t going to accept that quietly.

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I really hope they will accept it.

I think VH doesn’t care about gay partecipants. They prefer having lesbians and girls in their apartments.

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The answer like “we have had gay apartments in the past and it failed because few visitors.” it is not an excuse. The apartments were completely badly managed, bad camera quality, bad choice of participants, bad management. That’s why it all went wrong. Relying on just two poorly managed apartments is no excuse for not continuing to post more gay people. And honestly now having hidden gay guests inside the apartments where the participants are girls o straight couples is the evidence that VH doesn’t care about gay participants.


It certainly isn’t their priority.

How many times in the last month have they tweeted about a guy masturbating or a guy being naked in the kitchen or made reference to a male only video in the archive?

My educated guess is zero - maybe someone can prove me wrong.

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Funny, cause the managers are the same of the “non-gays” house…
The cameras are the same (even one of the apartments was the same and was online after them for years)
About the participants, well maybe the “right” ones didn’t apply but it’s also nothing exclusive, there are also “badly” non-gays participants

When you have 35 straight/lesbian apartments and some of them are bad, there are still plenty of good ones to watch. When you have 2 gay apartments and both of them are bad, there is nothing to watch.

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I suggest trying in the normal topics first but if straight guys start complaining start a new thread for it. I don’t feel like wading into 10 different “I don’t want to see that gay s__t” conversations lol.

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Broxman do you remember Tanya’s room in VoyeurVilla? It managed alone to keep the site up for one year when all the other straight apartments were failing…

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WOW well stated Stanley. For the Bi community we enjoy seeing all the fun times the apartment’s occupants enjoy…

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Yes naked looks so good on many of the guys here and some girls too…

I loved Freddys apartment, the apartment was horrible, the cameras were s__t, but fair play to the guy he tried his hardest to hook up with guys regularly. A lot of them came in saw the cameras and decided to leave, but he kept at it like a trooper. The way that apartment ended pissed me off big time.

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Yes, loved that apartment. I subscribed to that site for that apartment alone.

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I have just re-read your post, having given it a well deserved heart the first time around. I must say how nice it is to read such a well articulated comment. I really appreciate seeing things like that.

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Which apartments have people noticed gay action in just so I know where to keep checking out :stuck_out_tongue:

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Slim pickings really.

Sophia & Elon.
Elon got his dicked sucked by a guy the other night, but only lasted 30 seconds amongst hours of straight sex.

Aldon & his guest are both gay, but the guest is too shy to do anything.

Demira & Myagi
A couple of weeks ago a guest guy visited. Amongst hours of male-female sex there was less than a minute of male-male stuff.

That’s about all the gay action that has happened (or not happened) in the last 2 weeks.

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Does Dora & Charly count?