Amen! Emphasis on the ‘men’ part!
Thank you for trying to advertise third-party resources and inviting our subscribers to go there. This is exactly what we vitally need. I would like to warn you that this way you can be left without the opportunity to write on the forum.
Boo hoo. God forbid you should be inconvenienced at the sight of some bi/gay sex.
One solution that I can think of is to have different subscription fees to access the contents on the site, for example it could be an option to subscribe for less and only have access to gay or straight content/ apartments, or pay a full price and have access to everything. and the funds that are raised from each exclusive group can be then distributed/invested in the same category.
I certainly think it would be worth considering. But would VHTV be willing to drop the price of it’s current subscription for a straight only tier or would people wanting both tiers have to pay a lot more than they do now? Currently a premium sub is $40. Maybe sometime like $35 for 35 straight apartments, $15 for 15 gay apartments and $45 for all apartments could work.
Sex is sex no matter the gender. Voyeurism is the act of watching other people and getting turned on by them…regardless of gender or sexuality. If you don’t want to watch it, then don’t. However, be mindful that not everybody believes or feels the same way you do. Some people love watching all kinds of sex, whether it be vanilla, hardcore, short moments (a few minutes), or long orgies. And then others just like watching the daily lives of people that include nudity and sex. Personally, I enjoy the moments leading up to the act, whether playful acts or just seeing a hand move under a sheet to start the action. It’s all a matter of preference. Therefore, websites like this one, who cater to the voyeuristic need of society, should not have to charge some people more for wanting to watch same-sex action. Again, sex is sex despite sexual preference. To segregate monetary charges, in my opinion, is discrimination because what if one day I wake up and I want to see something new and exciting? What if a participant wants to “experiment”?
Just think on that.
mi ricordo un ragazzo asiatico con i capelli lunghi
The reason I suggested that was because of what people have been saying here. some members say they don’t like to watch gay sex and some say they don’t like to watch/support straight sex. so my suggestion was to lets give them some options to choose as what they like to support and watch. of course someone like yourself who likes to watch all sort of sex should also have that option. I don’t see how that’d be discriminatory against anyone, it just gives people more options.
why not just let viewers to sub to any apt they want each apt lets say 3$ or 5$ per month and you choose as many apt you want to and pay the equilivant amount. imagine how interesting this would be, everything would change and you get rid of th apt that do nothing. @VHTV_CEO how that sounds to you?
I wouldn’t be happy with that. Current subscription is $40 for 35+ apartments. If apartments were $3 each I would only get 13 apartments for the same price I’m paying now. If they were $5 each I would only get 8 apartments. Then say a couple of the apartments I subscribed to went offline for a few days for vacation it wouldn’t leave me with a lot left to watch.
Well you watch all of the aprtments? most propably you watch 4-5 aptm, most of the aprtments (if no all lately) do nothing interesting,and you are extremely mistaken if you think this will change in near future, if the way income handling wont change, you will be stack with pussy on camera, and chit chat gatherings all the time.
I watch the apartments where something I find interesting is happening. The ones I watch today may be different to the ones I watch next week. Over the course of a months subscription I will probably have watched 25+ different apartments. The beauty of VHTV is that there are 35 apartments to choose from and there is almost always something interesting to watch, either live or on the timeline. Under your proposal that would be lost and people would be stuck with the same 8 or so apartments and be constantly frustrated when they see people on here talking about a really hot party happening in an apartment they don’t subscribe to.
please tell me the most interesting thing happened this weekend??? no no tell me the most interesting thing happened last month, fuck it, the most interesting thing happened in the last six months!!! i dont recall nothing worth mentoning, oups sorry only the bertha threesome was something that comes to my mind.
I wonder if you have found nothing interesting happening in the last 6 months why you have remained a subscriber. $40 a month is a lot of money to pay for a website were you don’t find anything interesting happening month after month.
Me personally, today I have enjoyed watching the goings on in the Anita apartment & also the Ayaka & Bango apartment.
i was on and off the last months,and after 12 days that this sub will finish i’m not gonna renew till something worth to pay will happen. Anita place i’m very interested what you liked, maybe you like the guys or the gay guy who is there,but Anita has gained lot of weight and she looks completely unatractive at least to my preferences. Ayaka place has some life but is so fake so much staged that i cant bare to watch it.when i know that this what is happening is script to the last detail to draw as much views are possible, i cant stand to watch it, just pass it from the timeline.
let me say my overview of the places.
1 Katia= gather just some people, get to underwears give the idea something gonna happen drive views go to s___p.
2 Mira Henry = gather usual friends use the reputation gather income
3 Sina Sky = once a month there will be life in this place
4 Stephanie= Move on girl, find a job and start living your life.
5 Jose liam= i have no idea what and who is in this place
6 Demira miyagi= there is potential but doubt it
7 Rachel Ross= why the hell are they here???
8 Ayako = pupets of the manager that is scripted to the last detail
9 Tinky group = omg again why are they here???
10 Dylan = to early to say
11 Jessi Mars = they had some plans, i guess pregnancy changed them.
12 Annita= what is happening in this apartment i will definetelly pass.
13 Archi = sometimes good sometimes bad, without the blonde guest, they are dead.
14 Amelie= let the couple live their life, no issues with them, fine couple,no bulls__ts.
15 Ken Barbie= the must have broke some record on the bed.
16 Montana= she will be gone in couple of weeks.
17 Maddy rocco = pussy to cam :s___ping:
18 sunny Markus= let them do their porn thing.
19 Helena Demi etc = they have lost every drop of life they had, time to move on.
20 oliver= wtf???
21 eliot Leya = some interesting sessions but need to work their internal releationship.
22 Milana Robien = webcaming :face_v___ting:
23 Stifler Goldie = they must have broke a record of s___ping I MEAN IT
24 Timotheo Kristy= interesting things happening out of the apartment, how much you can see the same sex from the same couple with out getting bored
25 Benjamin = use kids to bring income,provide the a_____l put music things are done.
26 Agnia= wtf???
27 Nina Kira= not my style, let them live their issues with them.
28 Kira Emily = ups and downs once a month there is life in the place.
29 Sophia Elon = start dynamicaly setle down fast,no interesting reasson for it.
30 Ambar Dane = rent the place to sex split the profit
31 Jules = let the guy live the way he wants,no clickbaits he has my support
32 Hector Marla= the place i let my laptop them to gain as much time possible,you wanted voyerism here it is, but no one talks about it (yeah call voyerism in +7 gmt.SO ALL THE PEOPLE WHO SPEAK ABOUT VOYERISM CAN STFUP.
33 Candy Red= dont know how she survived till now.
this is my opinion for all the places.
Of course, we thought about such a scheme. For a start, it looks quite complicated to implement. But sooner or later we will certainly come to it. For the last two years, we have been building a new management system for such sites in order to be able to quickly implement the necessary features. We will finish soon, and we will be able to devote more time to such things. And still we are talking about several sites, first of all, webcam apartments will be separated, and there will be an attempt to make a separate site with gay content. This does not mean that these will be completely separate sites - they will all be in a single system, and as always, premium users will have access everywhere. Yes, the premium subscription itself will probably rise in price due to this, but those who are already subscribed will pay the same amount as before.
I think that over time, VH itself will become a showcase where the best members of all our sites will be presented. But all this is not accurate, we are thinking about all this, and we will try different approaches.
Points from this statement:
Yes, the premium subscription itself will probably rise in price due to this
there will be an attempt to make a separate site with gay content
Watch them have 30 straight apartments in one site and 3 gay ones on the other.
And they will raise the subscription.
And they expect people to subscribe?
Also they say this for like 2 years but nothing happened so we see if actually worths it.
Instead they follow the same tactic, promoting only the straight moments of the site.
If they wanted to go in the direction that they are saying they want to go, they would have already make some progress in the management of the site. But still it is absolute 0 progress.
My discrimination comment was more about having people pay different prices just to see gay content. There is no difference between gay content and straight content in my eyes. I read most of the other comments and actually agree that the site should be for the best apartments, regardless of sexual preference. Paying per apartment or for a few apartments is pointless, because some people do hop around from apartment to apartment. Of course, I have favourites, but sometimes some apartment surprises you. I think the company is doing the best they can, especially seeing how some other sites are now putting a limit on sexual content. So, let’s see what happens in the next few months!
Our goal is to create options for users to choose from: you either subscribe to the website with specific content for one price, or you pay a bit more and get subscription to all of them.
I described in the messages above what problems we ran into while running gay apartments and trying to launch separate website in 2020. Not bragging about absence of understanding, but I try to be as clear with our audience as possible.
Yeah yeah yeah. You talk the talk but ultimately never walk the walk. How many times have you said you would do things but have never followed through with it. The gay site?? Like you said YEARS ago. I’ll believe it when I see it!