VHTV Does not want male gay/bi participants. Zero male gay action on the site issue

I think VHTV should make a rule were the realms will be straight on the weekdays and gay on the weekends. That way everyone can be happy!


Letā€™s guess how many of them will be on vacation then from Friday til Monday? :joy::joy:


damm you fukas are well defensive aint you, ,how about dropping a chill pill or better still put me on mute , i didnt give out any homophobes qoutes .its just your tempremental tendency to play the victim card , well sweetlips i dont bow to peer pressure .especially from ghost , if it was possible to have a face to face discussion . i know certain things wouldnt be said . so leave it at that , but if you want to carry it on i can be a little bitch too

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Personally, I donā€™t care if guys are gay or not. On the other hand, I like seeing guys naked and having fun showing off. There are mostly girls showing off. for led guys, itā€™s rarer. I really hope to see more guys showing off in the future. I love Bardy who is naked very often.


ā€˜ā€˜damm you fukasā€™ā€™, ā€˜ā€˜if it was possible to have a face to face discussion . i know certain things wouldnt be saidā€™ā€™, ā€˜ā€˜i can be a little bitch tooā€™ā€™.

Yeah okā€¦ You persuaded us, calling us ā€˜ā€˜fukasā€™ā€™, ā€˜ā€˜bitchesā€™ā€™, if you met us face to face we wouldnā€™t be even able to have a different opinion than yoursā€¦ okā€¦

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My 2 pennies worth: The succes or the failure of a realm is not only based on the sexual orientation of the participants. How many lesbian realms were brought up and failed? How many straight realms also failed? The attitude of the participants is the main criteria to attract viewers. And, my own opinion, we had a high volume of failed realms due to a bad selection of participants. Attracting viewers is a very competitive business and to succeed, you need to be proactive and innovative. That is the nature of that business. Watching a straight scene or a lesbian scene is no different thant watching a gay scene. Participants must understand what the viewers wants to see and give it to them otherwise viewers will go elsewhere. Plain and repetitive sex doesnā€™t last long, regardless of sexual orientation. We all agree that gay start with two strikes as there are much fewer potential viewers.


We ll never know the full truth because we donā€™t have the number of views for the archive videos and for the realms when watching. I donā€™t believe that if you put 1 or 2 apartments with regular gay or bi content they would be the 2 apartments with the least views out of all 41 apartments. Some of the str8 apartments right now are barely ever mentioned by anyone, I never see them in the suggested previews yet they are surviving for months.


I think itā€™s a good idea to cover all aspects of human sexuality, even having a apartment with trans people, because without sounding racist, Iā€™ve noticed most of the participants happen to be white. Iā€™ve hardly seen any coloured people. So VHTV need to diversity a bit more.
Because I like the fact that thereā€™s a disabled guy now participating.


As a gay person with a disibility (I am a constant wheelchair user) myself, I agree with you entirely.


When I 1st saw that guy, I wasnā€™t 100% certain, but then when I realised his right arm was immobile and useless, compared to his left arm and the way he walked.
My respect for him went up. And anyone including yourself who arenā€™t scared to admit or show their disability.


You canā€™t even come to watch a lil porn in peace, The diversity queens are EVERYWHERE!

  • Not everyone one wants to fuck on camera :roll_eyes:

  • People can make more money using other platforms.

  • The regions in which VHTV operates are very clear.

  • You want diversity, become a manager and go fly around the world and promote VHTV and set up cams :roll_eyes:

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Some Bi action would be appreciatedā€¦


I donā€™t want to offend you or disrespect you I think vhtv is a business you go where you make the most moneyā€¦same sex couples and itā€™s already been done but it didnā€™t work I tell you that with respect (I can assure you Iā€™m a super open person)ā€¦ :hugs:

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i know theyā€™ve tried it before and it flopped, but as a gay guy I really wish there was a service like VHTV that offered gay male cams


I also think that there should be an apartment with a group of straight & gay guys as roommates in one apartment. I think there is any opportunity there. Ledian was a hot apartment for a while for the relationship between him and Brock. Just my 2 cents. :slight_smile:


It always fascinates me what wishful thinking make people believeā€¦ :upside_down_face:

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:laughing: I just meant friendship is all.


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I donā€™t think I will be renewing my membership because of the lack of gay content. It is almost as if gay participants are allowed to go to a certain point then have to stop. It seems VHTV just wants to lure gay men into subscribing. It other words they want gay menā€™s money but they do not want gay sex of their platform


unscripted in all apartments would be bestā€¦

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