VHTV crossword (Solved)

That’s exactly how I proceeded. I found Nastya, then tried out Nastia, but unfortunately not Nastja… :joy: :crazy_face:


Yeah, the “j” came to me pretty late as well. I did the skimming through the archives last night and just tried this spelling.

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I obviously meant that it is a lot easier to solve when using a laptop compared with a phone…:crazy_face::crazy_face:

Damn, same here :laughing:

At least we have an available name now :crazy_face::joy::joy:

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Congratulations you all solved it. :+1::+1::100:


Thank you. And thanks for the puzzle. It was difficult but I feel so accomplished right now :sunglasses:

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Thank you. Another fun activity.


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So Whadupp6969, Mohrchi, Shyguy, John78, PaAlv69, GladNGrumpy contributed to solve it.
@VHTV_James or @kaya can award some days to them? :kissing_heart:


Added the solution as spoiler to first post…


Qué genios todos!!! Felicitaciones por el trabajo en equipo! debe ser el primer post en el que no hay pechos, vaginas y culos y que congrega tantos hombres jajajajaj


All throughout this topic I’m seeing partially finished puzzles, yet could not find an empty puzzle anywhere.

So, I get all the way to the end, and find out you’re the trickster who swapped out the empty puzzle for the completed puzzle.

Just a thought, but how about leaving the empty puzzle in case someone who didn’t see the topic before it was solved can have a go at solving it just for fun.

Another thought. IDK, but I assume you’re opening this topic around midnight on Sunday. If you opened it a little later, say 6 AM, it would give people further west of western Europe a more fair chance of starting when everyone else does.

As it is now, assuming it starts at midnight your time, it could be solved before the US even starts to wake up, depending on the puzzle.

Just a thought. Your choice.

The empty puzzle is still there, available via the only link in the first post of the topic:

So everyone has a chance to complete it anytime until it’s hosted at that link


When I click the link you posted, or go to the first post and click it there, this is what I see.

There’s no way to make that work. There are no numbers on the puzzle, or individual blocks for the letters.

It’s because of the dark mode of your browser.


Good catch. That was it.

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I don’t really understand your argument, if Jabs starts around midnight then surely that is better for those west of western Europe, as the Eastern side of the US would be around 7pm i think and western side of the US would be around 4pm. So that should be the most benefit for USA. Unless you meant midday instead of midnight then y’all be s___ping.

Timings are always a problem for world use, the only fair way would be randomising start times so it doesn’t favour any time zone.