I have one more…
Yes one more correct.
I mean I knew it wouldn’t work but I was still sad when it really didn’t
Only 4 missing now…
Only 3
Yes two remaining
I don’t know how we were supposed to find it other than “haha, CatDog fits in there, lol” but haha, CatDog fits in there, lol.
Why isn’t it completed yet then
“Cat dog” What a crazy name
That was the name they gave him.
One remaining
Thank you. But I only did a handful, this was an amazing joint effort. We did it everyone. This one was pretty tough, but we did it.
Did you find the final solution somewhere, or was it just a coincidence when you tried it out?
Kinda both. I don’t know anything about Voyeur Villa so I started checking the participants in the archives and tried all of them who had six letter names beginning with N and ending in A. I didn’t find Nastja in there but did find Nastya. So after that I tried different names that were not in the archives but whenever I could think of a different spelling of a name that was in there I tried it as well.
Nice work, I think @jabbath1987 owes us a couple of beers