VHTV Best Apartment Poll #30 – 🎅🏼 Christmas Edition 🎁

I was a little confused. Thank you for the information. :blush:

I’ve learned all this and much, much more from being a member of this international forum. And, as someone who wholeheartedly believes that a day without learning something new is just not a day, it makes me very happy to be a member of this forum.

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Let not forget that in that Region Christmas will be celebrated on Sunday January 7, 2024

Yes, as I said to someone earlier, I just found that out a couple hours ago, and that is what this whole discussion has been about.

But, why is that true? Why shouldn’t all active members be included, regardless?

You realize that’s an oxymoron. If you only include certain members, you can’t also claim to not exclude anyone.

It doesn’t seem to be very much in keeping with the Christmas spirit to exclude current, active members. At Christmas, you celebrate those who are unable to be with you, as well as those who are.

You haven’t answered my questions about why it is this way. They seem like simple, reasonable questions. It’s not as if I’m asking for state’s secrets.

Let’s settle to the reason it’s Christmas and I’m it’s biggest fan

Grinch Smile GIF


funny that you posted this gif , i actually thought of you as this one :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Don’t they both mean the same thing.

They would have been my top choice, I am very unhappy they are excluded.

except in apartments living in Ukraine, which as of this year celebrate it on December 25 …


I guess this poll is meant to vote for best decoration? realm39 has some nice decoration. Also nice trees in realm1, realm59 and realm35

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Да, мое дерево мне очень нравится :grin::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

С наступающим Новым годом, друзья :champagne::people_hugging:


melhor apartamento: sophia elon claudia

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Why are Sophia, Elon and Claudia’s apartments not included in the poll? @VHTV_James @kaya

Because they were offline when the voting started. Only those that were on line when the voting started are available to vote for.

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always ariela

VHTV happy 2024. Hope this will be a year like 2023. :smile:

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@VHTV_James @kaya Is it still the case that the manager of the flat gets the prize money and he can decide whether and how much he gives to the apartment?!

a Happy 2024 to everyone!

This is the only way to do it as VHTV is not able to pay money directly to participants.

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So VHTV can only hope that the participants get something.

At least in the case of housing income, there was/is the possibility that the participants receive their share directly from VHTV, according to information from participants.