VHTV Best Apartment Poll #18 (šŸŽ Free Coins Giveaway)

Wow, okay, this time there were quite a lot of poll participants, which totaled over 600 users and more than 14k Free VHTV Coins has just been given away.

I was kinda on the fence if tagging these much people is appropriate, but Iā€™d like to give a spotlight to these MVPs who cast their vote here. Thank you and welcome to VHTV Forums, every one of you.

Now please welcome to VHTV Poll #19:
VHTV Best Apartment Poll #19 (July 2022)

And the winners are šŸ†

@Onizuka got 20 VHTV Coins, @Brycen110798 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Christ31104 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Dave180858 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Josh65681 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Roosevelt165028 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Lexus184505 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Edd130335 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Damion144945 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Misael148714 got 25 VHTV Coins, @X192023 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Earnest24028 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Enos137002 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Scot70059 got 15 VHTV Coins, @tjc got 25 VHTV Coins, @Alli got 20 VHTV Coins, @Jedidiah101572 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Lew8723 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Francis98460 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Gordon145664 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Marc177797 got 15 VHTV Coins, @WolfieSmith got 20 VHTV Coins, @Raum007a got 25 VHTV Coins, @Joshua121507 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Korgano got 20 VHTV Coins, @Shadow got 25 VHTV Coins, @2EubnRe7Ov got 15 VHTV Coins, @Willard192736 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Rusty110492 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Zachery1989 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Tod4883 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Pete193690 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Lucky7 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Robin67311 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Wolf17 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Hailey110786 got 25 VHTV Coins, @lampre77 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Okey129450 got 25 VHTV Coins, @joeysmith got 20 VHTV Coins, @Lance137066 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Ford39935 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Alfonzo156417 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Helmer25155 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Rolando1138 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Milo140757 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Jaime166985 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Graham183814 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Johan184394 got 25 VHTV Coins, @unitedstates got 25 VHTV Coins, @Kitman got 20 VHTV Coins, @Amani134049 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Amparo17011 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Trevion96988 got 25 VHTV Coins, @MaxX got 30 VHTV Coins, @Kayley202055 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Nathanael183455 got 20 VHTV Coins, @waldi got 25 VHTV Coins, @vmkZBywqOm got 30 VHTV Coins, @Franz4991 got 20 VHTV Coins, @GladNGrumpy got 20 VHTV Coins, @Keanu104716 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Alexys170398 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Austyn26994 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Brenden178420 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Timmy190688 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Stephon6336 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Johnny79066 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Torrance163175 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Nikko100850 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Markus91407 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Antwan122710 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Abe170717 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Victor193694 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Arely163210 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Barry98798 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Bradley5437 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Preston4301 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Tyshawn171181 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Tico1313 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Jaleel189398 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Evans137273 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Luketto got 30 VHTV Coins, @Ewell7571 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Darthshay got 20 VHTV Coins, @Judd110459 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Deven38935 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Dunmail got 30 VHTV Coins, @O3fjFkvO6R got 30 VHTV Coins, @DarkJezza2022 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Anastacio191422 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Moriah42918 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Jo2861 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Lee10290 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Tod181660 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Grayson136745 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Mason146151 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Eloy76093 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Whistle2001 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Rex182351 got 30 VHTV Coins, @chrd12345 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Scottie125613 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Life got 30 VHTV Coins, @Johan201477 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Oda144942 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Edmund131727 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Archibald101926 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Omer199684 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Hubert96601 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Breiti got 20 VHTV Coins, @dFzt2EbF0D got 25 VHTV Coins, @Jesus126934 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Armando183235 got 25 VHTV Coins, @maglew got 25 VHTV Coins, @Louie105415 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Karley195208 got 30 VHTV Coins, @armydad48 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Braden188916 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Mariano116 got 15 VHTV Coins, @assad.ejsas1 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Tanner72159 got 15 VHTV Coins, @PitaWr9xDl got 25 VHTV Coins, @Sofia101012 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Chesley202101 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Mohrchi got 25 VHTV Coins, @Karl71627 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Burley140458 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Billy64777 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Jamarcus192963 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Limi4Pool got 25 VHTV Coins, @Abdo got 15 VHTV Coins, @erichp got 20 VHTV Coins, @careB got 15 VHTV Coins, @FutaculDinCarpati got 20 VHTV Coins, @Karson200895 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Wasper got 20 VHTV Coins, @Kory177800 got 30 VHTV Coins, @vitrseverni got 25 VHTV Coins, @Easton1847 got 25 VHTV Coins, @loungermans got 25 VHTV Coins, @vLairDsKY1 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Eldred166583 got 20 VHTV Coins, @stanley got 30 VHTV Coins, @Lawrence137935 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Aomega001 got 15 VHTV Coins, @PPark got 20 VHTV Coins, @ecussong got 15 VHTV Coins, @ZF21 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Lester104761 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Jensen172916 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Porter46979 got 20 VHTV Coins, @CamPunk got 30 VHTV Coins, @Charlie107916 got 25 VHTV Coins, @FHY6P1ni3s got 15 VHTV Coins, @Alexie14256 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Immanuel164177 got 30 VHTV Coins, @MrDerp got 25 VHTV Coins, @Archibald516 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Jacques201615 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Floyd842 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Garrett10353 got 30 VHTV Coins, @maxitoro300 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Faustino52378 got 20 VHTV Coins, @zitronentorte got 15 VHTV Coins, @Stan57690 got 15 VHTV Coins, @badone779 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Cleve4418 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Bluewinner got 15 VHTV Coins, @Myles88699 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Malachi126036 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Al74084 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Solon135122 got 30 VHTV Coins, @zeno66 got 25 VHTV Coins, @karrie.steples got 15 VHTV Coins, @Logan104309 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Paolo178977 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Alec34379 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Omari35003 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Kirk196626 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Bud168817 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Jovany110308 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Hotbird6996 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Chadd137653 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Focus-Flow got 15 VHTV Coins, @Arely128169 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Domenic127403 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Woodrow7653 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Monroe62261 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Dallas1518 got 20 VHTV Coins, @shadowd42 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Heisenberg got 25 VHTV Coins, @Tad134179 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Ryleigh134042 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Lindsey174299 got 25 VHTV Coins, @1lqRuTZHgH got 15 VHTV Coins, @Rodolfo50322 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Beau89632 got 25 VHTV Coins, @wurzelsepp_1 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Marcellus169827 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Buck54168 got 30 VHTV Coins, @The_Hammer got 30 VHTV Coins, @Morton152683 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Eusebio81522 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Sonny146593 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Antwan28429 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Leo200584 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Marvin199764 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Gruefu got 15 VHTV Coins, @Maxime100836 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Ernesto198934 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Otis98184 got 30 VHTV Coins, @bayou220 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Lorenzo82174 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Christophe150436 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Dion6955 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Chadd13697 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Sherri got 15 VHTV Coins, @Reymundo189894 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Carey158991 got 25 VHTV Coins, @NEED2p got 15 VHTV Coins, @Coleman4769 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Davonte79684 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Major170724 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Luis154207 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Mohamed5656 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Keyon7366 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Tavares6775 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Emil174929 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Brycen151806 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Penta_El_Zero got 20 VHTV Coins, @wild got 15 VHTV Coins, @Houston126691 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Chet237 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Kristoffer170221 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Curt101 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Augustus4466 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Tyree199482 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Efrain115711 got 20 VHTV Coins, @JeVeuxVoirTout got 20 VHTV Coins, @TenXRing got 25 VHTV Coins, @Moises190248 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Darius178736 got 20 VHTV Coins, @paulgausepohl got 30 VHTV Coins, @Extaria_Grace got 15 VHTV Coins, @Benji_2022 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Michel14162 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Keyon181892 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Dejuan197968 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Will155614 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Domenick164675 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Tizzer_Wizzer got 30 VHTV Coins, @Fred-France-Paris got 20 VHTV Coins, @Davon198013 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Kristoffer4930 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Handsdown got 15 VHTV Coins, @Kamilolu12345 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Manley49793 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Boris_J_46 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Keshawn131801 got 20 VHTV Coins, @benecat got 30 VHTV Coins, @Ben70932 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Riley52161 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Irving2788 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Robs2611 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Bandaids got 30 VHTV Coins, @anon31605929 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Lindsey2037 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Zander99700 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Brook201840 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Alejandrin23468 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Johnathan148309 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Americo154298 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Eusebio6609 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Tyshawn2739 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Chase182827 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Beau170556 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Lavon113519 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Cleveland100656 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Enrique13833 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Mauricio196992 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Jerad123137 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Willis57404 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Arjun117395 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Sherwood172818 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Ron102184 got 25 VHTV Coins, @gIAfX5Dljs got 30 VHTV Coins, @Avatar256 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Kacey16468 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Garry153422 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Dusty66 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Titus166126 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Quinten120772 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Kelley174220 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Dewayne165861 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Camden191715 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Richmond95365 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Javier83186 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Lindsey49685 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Rashawn185933 got 25 VHTV Coins, @russo.arturo got 15 VHTV Coins, @Kiel23793 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Mario155426 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Al9260 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Louvenia186123 got 15 VHTV Coins, @OD6FKylEog got 30 VHTV Coins, @Pady got 15 VHTV Coins, @LarryLujack got 30 VHTV Coins, @YmDKH1M9kt got 25 VHTV Coins, @Howard15241 got 30 VHTV Coins, @ToonZender got 30 VHTV Coins, @Jimbo091989 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Isai7642 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Terrance70150 got 15 VHTV Coins, @HN_MIBA got 30 VHTV Coins, @Demond200776 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Tillman74043 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Kelton20296 got 20 VHTV Coins, @GU7FrqPEeL got 20 VHTV Coins, @Jeffery1616 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Quinton88682 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Dp7 got 20 VHTV Coins, @roboblue got 20 VHTV Coins, @radiale got 30 VHTV Coins, @dikoleko got 15 VHTV Coins, @Caleb130337 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Arturo109746 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Linwood190670 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Guy135121 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Ransom181726 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Bruno888 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Norbert604 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Jarrett7443 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Eldred88221 got 15 VHTV Coins, @AtdQOs4mQX got 30 VHTV Coins, @andre85 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Arne36072 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Everett198461 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Deven171014 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Lucious119423 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Lefty got 20 VHTV Coins, @Christophe85971 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Darian70250 got 30 VHTV Coins, @hibs1875 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Kamren196453 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Deron15885 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Friedrich46579 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Blake100275 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Gordon199225 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Erling198955 got 20 VHTV Coins, @caJR96Uct5 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Moses178451 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Ray53458 got 30 VHTV Coins, @WC_Chiffonier got 30 VHTV Coins, @Rupert34976 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Henri124466 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Daleys got 25 VHTV Coins, @Jakob76554 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Casimir201650 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Kennith5298 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Robert165495 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Ole3099 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Mustafa167117 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Bryon1448 got 25 VHTV Coins, @eccentric_arcanist got 25 VHTV Coins, @Ryley72561 got 15 VHTV Coins, @linkstar2018 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Durward9336 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Steve106741 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Reid15925 got 25 VHTV Coins, @kraftl got 25 VHTV Coins, @JonR got 20 VHTV Coins, @Jameson173976 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Aiden202249 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Henderson10390 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Barton66013 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Adrien223 got 15 VHTV Coins, @zsoli_77 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Lewis76976 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Disneykid got 15 VHTV Coins, @Jeff46966 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Maxime3033 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Derek191438 got 20 VHTV Coins, @f2AyWZzE3o got 30 VHTV Coins, @Ross3078 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Fabian64319 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Felipe167668 got 20 VHTV Coins, @FanRealCams_Cal got 20 VHTV Coins, @Nat2603 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Olin89259 got 15 VHTV Coins, @ed2 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Garrison183654 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Craig14052 got 15 VHTV Coins, @kotya got 20 VHTV Coins, @Tyreek123583 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Jeremy4998 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Dell117905 got 20 VHTV Coins, @JustLooking got 30 VHTV Coins, @Reid17544 got 25 VHTV Coins, @John78 got 20 VHTV Coins, @West_California got 15 VHTV Coins, @Erwin84597 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Lonny33879 got 25 VHTV Coins, @iR6unAJZmW got 15 VHTV Coins, @Jeff25368 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Declan30300 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Maximillian186219 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Jasper202115 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Judson169109 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Hester79340 got 15 VHTV Coins, @carlos got 25 VHTV Coins, @Hadley199499 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Finn33695 got 25 VHTV Coins, @leo59dav got 15 VHTV Coins, @Oscar109562 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Juston63633 got 20 VHTV Coins, @bibZzpSkhl got 20 VHTV Coins, @Cristobal101425 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Denis56371 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Slada got 25 VHTV Coins, @Cory174193 got 30 VHTV Coins, @alanp4646 got 25 VHTV Coins, @MadysonSavage got 20 VHTV Coins, @steve0r got 25 VHTV Coins, @Andrew8226 got 30 VHTV Coins, @derda010154 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Adonis62606 got 15 VHTV Coins, @GaIzWue6Zi got 25 VHTV Coins, @Hiram34339 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Rhett129887 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Braeden106626 got 20 VHTV Coins, @dAfXx8ZCfl got 30 VHTV Coins, @rainer008 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Arda got 30 VHTV Coins, @Ignacio201260 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Trystan100187 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Feuervogel4711 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Lazaro201610 got 25 VHTV Coins, @NotSeth got 30 VHTV Coins, @Jerald56974 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Larue132994 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Luigi177076 got 30 VHTV Coins, @8dwjsECX9r got 20 VHTV Coins, @Deven7423 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Destin107108 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Chris9883 got 15 VHTV Coins, @WARIO got 30 VHTV Coins, @vKxnGbOhKH got 30 VHTV Coins, @Republic_of_Texas got 20 VHTV Coins, @Casper106991 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Irving5242 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Clinton122540 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Forrest180895 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Kristian175775 got 25 VHTV Coins, @whatdoiknow got 25 VHTV Coins, @London154158 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Victor1297 got 15 VHTV Coins, @McXer25 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Alex3085 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Garrett70861 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Adelbert195387 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Chelsey91409 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Richie30346 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Blueisthewarmest got 20 VHTV Coins, @Rowland143842 got 25 VHTV Coins, @landofthefierce got 15 VHTV Coins, @Harrypotter1994 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Francisco132663 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Sheridan178000 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Eliezer200542 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Condorman got 25 VHTV Coins, @Newton31418 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Kobe148219 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Davidoff got 20 VHTV Coins, @Stephan135283 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Edd5512 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Rocio30216 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Reyes89029 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Kennith69580 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Neil116682 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Christophe71406 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Blaise9138 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Garett201560 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Dean110628 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Cletus65988 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Keyon114026 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Herbert106215 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Kaley21734 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Clovis152695 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Aric168554 got 20 VHTV Coins, @maiky got 20 VHTV Coins, @Walter59142 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Dawson150209 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Devonte82264 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Nico199754 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Himitsu got 15 VHTV Coins, @Turm got 25 VHTV Coins, @Ryley191911 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Lane155905 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Cedrick129968 got 15 VHTV Coins, @JulianInCT170821 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Kristopher118722 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Sherwood59058 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Laverne71866 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Ola120895 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Esteban200154 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Phoenixx got 20 VHTV Coins, @Webster10805 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Santos185648 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Max72997 got 15 VHTV Coins, @JamesDeen23 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Patrick201224 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Frankie109355 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Graham105505 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Santiago6862 got 25 VHTV Coins, @300Joe got 30 VHTV Coins, @Cleve200406 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Keyshawn147049 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Austen10861 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Carmel100334 got 25 VHTV Coins, @othertip0 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Simeon28891 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Jaydon52468 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Abel131567 got 30 VHTV Coins, @marcopoll got 20 VHTV Coins, @Marlon196012 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Deontae170923 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Rocky3079 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Dylan150116 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Donald197139 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Hermann62846 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Maib got 25 VHTV Coins, @Maxwell8189 got 15 VHTV Coins, @RemediaAmoris got 30 VHTV Coins, @Monro got 20 VHTV Coins, @Wrangler got 30 VHTV Coins, @Khalid135048 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Gregorio184220 got 20 VHTV Coins, @rr6W1aPpEa got 30 VHTV Coins, @Dane113113 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Issac143888 got 15 VHTV Coins, @nW52FdqTva got 30 VHTV Coins, @Oren201750 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Earnest98078 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Guido181910 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Jaylan129347 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Jack got 30 VHTV Coins, @Brandon161979 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Ryder197700 got 30 VHTV Coins, @xelafine got 15 VHTV Coins, @Isidro196059 got 20 VHTV Coins, @ebo got 20 VHTV Coins, @4bjmCN2QWR got 20 VHTV Coins, @Noldus got 20 VHTV Coins, @Carlo119017 got 15 VHTV Coins, @HendrikIV got 20 VHTV Coins, @Adam198046 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Benny19 got 30 VHTV Coins, @New_Viewer2 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Ellsworth128238 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Constantin163963 got 15 VHTV Coins, @iain got 25 VHTV Coins, @Brannon78697 got 15 VHTV Coins, @je-moeder_0546 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Russel175583 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Jerrold5031 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Keith198624 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Domenick190430 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Hazle224 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Jawbreaker got 30 VHTV Coins, @Saul_Goodman got 15 VHTV Coins, @Norris9142 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Tyree17343 got 20 VHTV Coins, @German1961 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Kacey132594 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Mikel2500 got 25 VHTV Coins, @jabbath1987 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Ron99622 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Glen182770 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Marco102884 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Royal182454 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Alden75227 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Jayzee52 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Torrey108408 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Buford115273 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Jarvis170129 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Luciano7088 got 30 VHTV Coins, @quickie69 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Donavon98765 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Kennedi57751 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Sylvester195324 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Rocky124444 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Kade181727 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Kacey9129 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Maximo189155 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Enoch8260 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Brooks68817 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Lexus127178 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Terrill65742 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Morris200225 got 20 VHTV Coins, @BigJock21 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Joseph16907 got 30 VHTV Coins, @sqsx1101 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Harold188788 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Richie182 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Sheridan14275 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Rudy73658 got 25 VHTV Coins, @roi62490 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Akeem103718 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Akeem202182 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Muhammad187906 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Lemuel4186 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Abdul103742 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Blaise139504 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Louisa191888 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Stoplight got 30 VHTV Coins, @usa2020 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Fabian157513 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Lorenz166500 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Christopher119811 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Scottie7177 got 30 VHTV Coins

Simon Cowell Reaction GIF by America's Got Talent