VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

What are you talking about now? Do you know something that i don’t ? They are not even on the site anymore…lol

Does Queen know that? I could have sworn she has been in Flora’s realm the last few days. Lelya must be Queen’s twin sister then.

You only need to trust someone’s words if they are making a claim or pretend to be someone in order to gain something ( respect, status, etc … ). I don’t do anything like that here, so trusting is not required. :laughing:

Seth, in case you missed what happened last days, she isn’t at Flora for Vhtv… :wink:

@shyguy do you find everything funny or you are just easily entertained ? :laughing:

Sorry can’t help it, you should not be so much of a comedian

You said she wasn’t at VHTV at all. :rofl:

Well, i won’t go any further into details, this is enough, she isn’t now here for Vhtv

It’s ok, don’t be sorry. everyone has their own personal issues :wink:

Doesn’t matter what she is there for, she is appearing on VHTV

Youre Wrong Sheldon Cooper GIF by CBS

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Oh yes the good old fallback if in doubt then mock the user, great leadership sk__ls

High Five GIF

Isn’t that what you do when you react with laughing emoji —> :laughing: to every post someone makes?!? why do you do it , if you believe mocking is bad ? :thinking: or is it just bad if it’s done to you ?

Every post? Pretty sure that’s a unsubstantiated claim, anyway is it mocking if I personally find what’s posted funny?

It’s inappropriate reaction, when a post isn’t slightly funny, and isn’t meant to be funny. and when you target an specific member and react to his/her every comment with a laughing emoji, it’s obvious that your intention is to mock and annoy that user. you are not talking to a 2 years old, people are smart enough to figure out what you are doing.

So you are telling me what my own perception of a post should be now?

I haven’t targeted any specific member with reactions, I have reacted to yours because we are conversing, I found some of the things you said ridiculous it was funny to me so I reacted with the laughing emoji, I have reacted to others as well mostly but not always while I was conversing with them

If you can’t handle a few reactions to your comments then in my opinion this forum is no longer for you especially in a leadership role where you are supposed to be setting an example

the war between @john78 and @Shyguy is a war that has been going on for a long time…

Don’t act innocent, it’s not the first time you are doing this, you have been targeting other members with the same tactics for a long time now.

It’s not about handling reactions, how you use them is the problem here, you merely use them to troll, mock and annoy other members.

Thanks for the advice but I don’t believe you are the right person to give advice on anything here.

I always though Shyguy was a pacifist.

Yes, you are right. in fact most of his comments on this forum is confrontational and negative. but @John78 is his prime target.

There is no war, we just very often have different opinions & views of things, isn’t that what happens on a forum?