VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

Dear Tyrese69961 Thank You very much for Your kind words I Would Like your post & the others soon I am able to do so…

i hope we are talking about likes? or your divulging to much imformation for our innocent ears :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


You are very welcome. :slightly_smiling_face:

There is a badge available for members to give 50 likes a day for 5 consecutive days. There are only two members that have received the badge.


That one specifically does not apply to me at least. :slightly_smiling_face: :wink:

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whats it called “lick the admins arse” award. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


oh shit think i boobooed shes here :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Wouldn’t be the worst award in your life


methinks id be last on the list for that award , but hey im trying lol

Then I would be either right above you or maybe below you. :wink: :wink:

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Dear Lazurus_aka_Virgil
I believe you are a wise man (I meant the likes) However in life what you give you getting back… to set an example they have written that a Woman will never be explained to me a woman is pretty much everything Woman is like a book but I open it and read it I don’t just read the cover. Most of my friends are Women because Women understand you better and they listen not only talk,they have right point of view on everything and correct judgement

although i do get a giggle out of reading your “dear whoever” comments , you have to remember im a cynical old fart who as no interest in getting into a dialogue with a fictional romantic writer , love - peace and harmony are way beyond my comprehension, so i wouldnt bother wasting your so called words of wisdom on me ,
SO =
AND WE WONT STEP ON EACH OTHERS TOES :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:


As you wish sorry to waste my time & your time but I thought you had a sense of humor. Have good night

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humour is my language , if you correspond with humour you will have my attention , im 73 years of age and have lived through all the emotions known to mankind , now the only thing that keeps my attention is humour
but this

just makes me wanna puke :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I got it all wrong sorry for the gap in my English

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that was humour , it either flew straight over your head or your in denial , and yes this is humour too :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Yes, I admit it’s kind of silly, but this isn’t the first time I noticed him being kind of rude. And he said he doesn’t care who gets mad, so why not take him by his word? I’m sure he doesn’t mind.

I said what I said, right? The only child is he/she! Who the fuck does that? :rofl:

I don’t have to skip a realm, I can look and comment just like any other mother fucker on this site.

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Boohoo. I just thought you were being unnecessarily rude, again, and could use a little slap on the wrist. You’re a big boy, you can take it. Would there have been more elegant ways to go about it? Sure. It was a spur of the moment thing. You can address my ass anytime you want.

Funily I guessed correctly who has just given you the 100% emojy, without looking.


Rude to who, fanboy? When you’re expressing yourself in any way you feel, I don’t yank your chain, do I?

Dummy like you that creates a poll for two people you don’t actually know to prove a point for someone’s crutch you dream of sniffing?

Strap yourself to a rocket, heffa! I have pure energy for your ass tonight!