VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

On the other hand, I have a good chance of getting it right. And if they want to remove it, that’s another thing, but it’s one thing to be sure, another thing to speculate. But I know that when I say something that I have a certain precision in what I say

and I don’t do this based on time research, far from it, the time identity is a mere consequence arising from the place where there are the most cameras on chaturbate of all. Just go in there and you will see which country and state there are the most cameras connected to.

Again another patrolman saying obvious things. I can stop talking about the location here, but you know very well that I know where it is, period. And I don’t and will never follow rules that I don’t think make sense to me. That’s one of my life mottos. Want to delete comments make bans. I think I’ve been banned more than 10 times, do what you want, but that has never changed and will never change what I think. ban, exclusion, don’t work on me. As I said, I don’t follow any rule just because it is a rule. How it doesn’t work

I don’t think it’s bad to talk about locations, I’m not a policeman either.

I’ve also been approached when I talked about the rouble currency in an apartment.

Whether it makes sense or not to know whether an apartment is in Latin America or Asia is another matter.

What I think people should stop is acting like parrots repeating the same thing they hear from others. If I speculated something about location it was because it was suggested and if my conversation should be deleted, delete it, but delete all speculation along with mine. because as I said I didn’t even need to say it here, because I know where it is, if I did it it was because I wanted to help and not because I’m a deliberate violator of the rules

Mr. Remover should remove your speculation about the time, because the least that could be of your limited human capacity was to have the minimum capacity to be fair since you started all the speculation. Be at least reasonably fair and remove this speculation of yours immediately. Or are you different?

i think if you get to know the roles of the senior members here ie forum leaders its there job to ensure the rules are adhered to , some off the time they to think the rules are shall we say stupid , but its part of there expected behaviour to enforce the rules , they dont do it to spite the individual , also they cant ban you only admins have that function , so by them removing any words that are against the rules ,they are in essence saving you from another ban ,


You another deluded fool, did you know that it was the very man you are idolizing in the way of being that started the whole discussion? In fact, his post is still there and why? because he was the one who did it and because he was the one who did it, he doesn’t think it’s a big deal, but there is so much that it was because of his post that it all started.

giphy (7)

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prenos (4)

It’s so easy to go to FAQ and read the rules of the forum and follow them :100:

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That was really funny make me laugh After Mr Hairdryer Now we have Mr Remover

Dear @kaya as a member of VHTV for 6 years Thank You very much for your sensible decision With every respect to You !!

giphy (6)

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I’m sorry Dear Lazurus_aka_Virgil but You got it wrong or I don’t explain it right, I don’t mind at all up to 50 posts a day or up to 50 likes a Day but as far as likes I can barely do max 15 - 20 a day that was the reason for my post

if we assume 50 likes per day, then you are done until Christmas 2087

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more than likely because kaya reset the likes quota to an earlier date due to a certain person using the like option to climb the leaderboard , as you can see he as now disappeared into oblivion . due to your large number of likes used in the last week ,you have used up your quota from the reset date thats why your now on a limit , once the week as passed you will probably start afresh with your 50 likes quota ,untill then just have patience ,it will all equal out very soon for you , 7 days from when admin reset the likes amount , then once you do return to 50 likes a day i would advise you to use them wisely and for the purpose they are there for and not to gain favour


Dear Lukas156546
Besides the pictures which I like capture very much My Goal was 300 thousand nothing wrong with that… but know I am happy with 285
I think I deserved with the work I Done it
But I think I overdid it and that’s what I’m paying now
See You in the Future…
PS Because I am very Romantic person I Want to give (Hearts) as much others give me (I love to give not just Receive…)

You do a very fine job the way I judge it. Just keep it going. :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

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you should just see the humor in it

What does it matter to you whether you have 500,000 or 50,000?
you don’t get an extra minute in your life for it, they’re just numbers

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Dear Lukas156546
I agree with you 100%

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