VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

Man, i just explained to you. You can not compare Brit with Jap or Paki. They are not the same at all. Brit was never designated nor used as a derogatory word while the others are. It is quite simple


Not worth trying to explain mate seems like he’s just trying to escalate an argument


I don’t see it as an argument. More like lack of knowledge

Anyway, i hope that it is more clear now, we all learn something all the time


With chink the letter K is added purposely to cause offence as far as our gay brothers and sisters are concerned i don’t know why you brought them into this conversation

To show derogatory terms that are unacceptable in today’s society

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I have all the knowledge i need im very well educated

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Then please do not use offensive terms :smirk::handshake::zipper_mouth_face:


Thank you Kaya :pray::heart:

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which terms ??

You no exactly what terms me and John have explained it to u :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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Any offensive terms for sure :crazy_face:


which one’s so that i know for future reference??

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Exactly jap meaning a japanese person

Guess you didn’t read what it says after typical uneducated man

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Can’t make it anymore clear end of discussion anymore use of the word is just pure ignorance on your behalf back to the champions league final :+1:


uneducated man that just about shows the level of your education

You have the feeling you’re in kindergarten :thinking:


You just proved their point, John; if it were considered to be as offensive as PAKI then it wouldn’t be used in any sport, the same way you would not see PAKI on a scoreboard.

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JAP is an offensive word in other countries and has no relation at all to Japanese as well. Carries an entirely different meaning. Same as saying FUCK in English, it’s offensive.

The word is subjective, and for the moron that said I wanted to justify continuing using it, I don’t call anyone from Japan, JAP, I say Japenese.